
crafty q is crafty, accomplishy q is accomplishy, state of the q

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  • (Untitled)

    qe2 Apr 04, 2013 21:51

    How this works: You comment, I give you an age (please tell me how old you currently are, to minimize the chances that answering will require time travel) and you fill out the meme questions as they applied to you then and apply to you now.

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    state of the q

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  • (Untitled)

    qe2 Apr 01, 2013 08:27

    How this works: You comment, I give you an age (please tell me how old you currently are, to minimize the chances that answering will require time travel) and you fill out the meme questions as they applied to you then and apply to you now.

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    state of the q

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  • if I had a bell, I'd be ringin' the hell out of it right about now

    qe2 Aug 31, 2010 21:12

    Go, PP&M. My childhood musical heroes keep on keeping on (see: Pete Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, and so on).

    Thanks to
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