Fic Challenge - Chapter 14

Jun 29, 2007 13:05

Chapter Number: 14.
Chapter Theme: Symmetry.
Word Count: 1070.
Warnings: Odd swear word and graphicness.
Disclaimer: Don't own Whose Line. Not making any money from this.

Definition of ‘symmetry’:

1.Exact correspondence of form and constituent configuration on opposite sides of a dividing line.

Colin yawned and wrapped the robe around him tighter as he padded barefoot across the bedroom to his dressing table.

Picking up his notepad he thumbed through it past all his discarded attempts at writing romance till he reached the last thing he had managed to write.

‘The sexual tension burnt between them, a hot energy that refused to relent. Neither of them dared to speak. They stood their distance, two afraid and fragile souls. Not quite sure.’
He sat on the edge of the dressing table, studying the page for a second thoughtfully before reaching for a pen and crossing out what he’d put after ‘relent’ before beginning to write.

‘Though both had tried to ignore it, neither sure of the best way to proceed. Two afraid and fragile souls on opposite sides of a dividing line, completely different yet brought together by a shared passion in life…’
Colin looked up at the sound of a cough to see Wayne leaning against the bathroom doorframe wearing nothing but a towel.

He blushed and closed the notebook, he hadn’t even heard the shower stop.

“You got your muse back?” Wayne asked with a nervous smile, walking over and stopping a couple of feet away.

“Maybe.” Col said shyly, hesitantly letting Wayne take the book from him and flick it open to the page he’d just been working on.

“Opposite sides of a dividing line?” Wayne asked with a smirk, causing Colin’s blush to deepen a little as he shrugged and looked away.

“It’s good…I think I like being your inspiration.”

“Really?” Col asked with a small smile as Wayne closed the distance between them.

“Yup - You gonna write the next bit?”

“Oh, I think I’d rather act it out…”


2.A relationship of characteristic correspondence, equivalence, or identity among constituents of an entity or between different entities.

Drew moaned slightly in protest as Greg pulled away and made to climb out of bed.

“Just going to loo.”

“Do you have to?”

“…What do you think?” Greg said with a roll of his eyes before glancing at the floor around the bed.

“Fine.” Drew muttered in reply as he flopped back onto the pillows in defeat.

“Hey, do you-?”

“-Try the landing.”

Greg shrugged and popped his head round the door before making a tsk noise and disappearing.

“You got them?” Drew called, waiting a few seconds till Greg returned, shaking his head slightly and now donning his bunny slippers again.

“Seriously man, how did one end up hanging off the light?”

Drew chuckled and shook his head as Greg went into the bathroom.

He stretched and looked at the clock.


He groaned.

Too fucking early…

The sound of running water distracted him and he turned back towards the bathroom.

“I thought you said you were taking a piss not a shower!?” He shouted through to Greg.

“Mhm…But I know how you love me smelling all lavendery Drew.” He shouted back over the noise of the shower, his voice echoing slightly in the cubicle.

Drew rolled his eyes and pushed off the covers, shivering slightly at the cold morning air as he stood up and padded over to the chest of drawers.

He opened the second drawer down and got a pale lilac shirt and a pair of jeans out, then looked in the top drawer…

He frowned and hunted round the room a bit before going to the bathroom doorway, leaving the jeans and shirt on the bed.

“Hey Greg?-Where’s-?”


“Damn…Oh, are they-?”


“Thanks.” Drew said, shivering slightly again as he walked out of the bedroom, along the landing and down the stairs.

He passed through into the kitchen, picking up a basket of clothes near the back door and hunting through them before grinning in triumph as he held up a faded Cleveland Indians t-shirt and a pair of sweats.

He discarded the notion of going back upstairs to put them on just to come back to the kitchen straight after and pulled them on before going about collecting various things from cupboards and drawers, laying them out on the counter.

“Hey.” Drew said a few minutes later, breaking eggs into a pan as Greg appeared in the doorway, towel drying his hair and wearing the clothes he’d left on the bed.

“Mmm, smells good.” Greg murmured as he dropped the towel to the floor and walked up behind Drew, wrapping his arms around his waist.

“So do you.” Drew murmured back, laying his head back against Greg’s shoulder.

“Nice shirt you picked out - You really do like me in lavender huh?”

“The shirt’s lilac.” Drew retorted, causing Greg to chuckle.

“You are so gay man.”

“Funny, I thought you’d already guessed that…”


3.Beauty as a result of balance or harmonious arrangement.

Brad sucked in a breath as he looked down at Ryan looking back up at him, their fingers entwined and lips still touching.

One second they had been kissing, a confusing mesh of pressed lips and bumping teeth, hands soon roaming and a mixture of mumbled apologies and ‘What the hell are we doing?’ but neither pulling away.

And now Brad was on the floor of his apartment, Ryan pinned underneath him. Recent events and feelings swirling round his head, making his heart race even quicker and beat loudly inside his head…

Brad tentatively pulled his head away and licked his lips.

He felt crazy.

He seemed to alternate between lusting after Ryan like a giggly little fangirl, pushing him away to the point of violence and kissing him like he never wanted to stop.

Hell maybe he was crazy, the whole situation seemed to be already.

He just wished he could find some kind of balance…

Maybe things were better as they used to be…


Brad blinked at Ryan’s words, scared for a second that Ryan somehow had some mind reading ability and desperately searched perplexing emerald green eyes for an answer.

“…No what?”

“You’re not running away from this again.” Ryan stated firmly, squeezing Brad’s hands lightly.

“But what is this?” Brad asked in a whisper, shaking his head slightly and letting out a sigh.

Ryan tilted his head to one side, watching Brad intently as he thought before lifting his head to meet Brad’s lips again, mumbling against them lightly.


fic challenge: march 2007

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