End of the Line - Part 13

Jun 28, 2007 02:05

Another chapter. This one's kinda short coz otherwise if i didnt stop it there it would have been really long.

Title: End of the Line (Part 13)
Words: 832
Disclaimer: I dont own nuffin :)

All day staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something

Unwell - Matchbox 20

Everyone stood in silence and stared at the figure crouched on the steps. Ryan moved to stand closer to Brad and Greg moved in front of Chip, who frowned and sidestepped neatly round him, approaching the boy slowly. Wayne, who was stood a little further back from them, held up his good arm.

‘Do you think that's a good idea?’ He asked, looking from Chip to Greg and back again. Chip’s only answer however was a shrug as he continued to move towards to the steps. Reaching the boy he knelt down in front of him.

‘Hi.’ He said quietly, studying the boy’s face, which was blank and deathly pale under the bright red blood. Chip tired to catch the boys eyes but his gaze remained fixed on the floor at Chip’s side. Chip swore under his breath.

‘Here, let me.’ Greg whispered, getting on his knees next to Chip, taking hold of the shaking boy’s hands.

‘What’s your name?’


Chip glanced nervously behind him at Brad, Ryan and Wayne who were gathered around him and Greg. All three blinked blankly back at him.

‘What’s your name kid?’ Greg repeated, reaching forward to place a careful hand on the boys shoulder.

As he touched him, the boy jumped as if he’d been shot and cringed back on the steps. Greg took his hand back and held both out in front of him as the boy stared at him with huge dark eyes.

‘It’s ok. We’re not gonna hurt you.’ Chip stated, holding his hands out as well in the universal sign of peace. ‘What’s your name?’

The boy stared at him a moment before answering. His voice shook as he spoke.


‘Ok Jeff.’ Greg replied, placing his hand on Jeff’s knee. This time Jeff didn’t move away. ‘We wanna help you. Is that alright?’

Jeff nodded and Chip climbed up the steps slowly until he was sitting next to Jeff.

Jeff wrapped his arms tighter around his body but didn’t move away.

‘What happened?’ Chip asked gently but when Jeff’s eyes glazed over and he began starring wide eyed at the floor again, Chip put his arms around his thin shoulders. ‘It’s ok, you’re safe now.’ He muttered, looking anxiously up at the others.

Greg pushed himself up off the floor and stood up. He stared down at Jeff who was shaking again in Chip’s arms.

‘We gonna take him with us?’ Greg asked, turning as he did to address Brad, Ryan and Wayne. Wayne shrugged.

‘Well we can’t leave him here.’

‘Of course we can’t.’ Brad stated firmly, stepping around Ryan and over to where Chip was sat.

‘You think you could get him inside, clean him up a bit?’

‘Yeah I think so.’

Nodding, Chip, with his arms firmly around Jeff’s shoulders, started to lift the boy to his feet. After a moment Jeff pulled away slightly and pushed himself up.

‘I’m ok, I can stand.’ He murmured, looking down at himself. Lifting his blood-coated hands, staring at them as if he had never seen them before, his breathing began to speed up into short, ragged gasps. He shoved his hands into his pockets.

‘Can we go inside now?’ He panted. Chip nodded quickly and guided Jeff up the driveway and to the front door of the house behind them as the others followed.

Approaching the door, Chip tried the handle but found it locked. He turned to the others.

‘Anyone know how to pick locks?’ Chip asked sheepishly as Jeff stood quietly next to him and stared at the ground. After a pause, Ryan stepped forward.

‘Yeah.’ He said, moving towards the door. Glancing quickly around, he lifted his elbow and smashed it into the door’s glass window, the sound of tinkling glass echoing around them in the dark. Ryan then reached his hand in carefully and turned the latch.

‘Unlocked.’ He stated with a nod and pushed the door wide; ignoring the amused look Brad was giving him.

As a group, they stared into the house.

The entrance hall stretched away before them, shrouded in darkness and an eerie quiet that sent goosebumps cascading down Chip’s back. Closed doorways flanked the hall on either side, with another door lying slightly open at the far end. Stairs climbed their way up from the left.

Chip peered down the hall.

‘You think anyone’s home?’ He asked, turning to Wayne who had come to stand beside him.

‘I don’t know - maybe we should...’

‘Hey!’ Ryan interrupted, shouting down into the house. They waited in silence for a reply - and got nothing.

‘I don’t think anyone’s home.’ Brad stated, and Ryan nodded firmly with a small smile.

With Chip leading, they crept slowly into the dark house.


fic: shandi_mai - end of the line

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