This Week in TV: Characters Making Questionable, Disappointing Decisions (SN, TVD, Merlin, GG, etc)

Oct 09, 2011 16:34

Man, this seems to be "Characters Making Annoying Questionable Decision" Week on my TV Shows, it applies to all of them! :/ Though still a few good episodes besides that.

Let's start with SN, which I only watched last night, since I was busy marathoning s6 with paradisekendra on Friday, lol...(good times, and I like the DVD case art, the back of the plastic ( Read more... )

dean, omgwtfbbq, dan/blair, rl, the hunger games trilogy, merlin, tv shows, gossip girl, sam, books, friends, castiel, d00med!shipper for life, vampire diaries, writer fail, doctor who, damon/elena, supernatural, morgana, animorphs, uther/morgana, damon

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Comments 30

fauxkaren October 9 2011, 21:24:27 UTC
I think the stuff with Damon and Alaric didn't bother me because Damon wasn't doing it because he disliked Ric or anything. Ric was just standing in his way, so Damon removed him from the equation. At least that's how Damon saw it. He clearly didn't think Alaric would be all that upset because he made drinks for them to enjoy together when Ric woke up. LOL. OH DAMON. YOU CAN'T JUST SNAP PEOPLE'S NECK ONE DAY AND EXPECT THEM TO BE DRINKING BUDDIES AGAIN THE NEXT.

But for me my favorite thing about the episode was definitely Anna. I've missed her so much and the tension between her and Jeremy was OMG. GUH. THEY HAVE SO MUCH CHEMISTRY.


sherrilina October 10 2011, 04:27:00 UTC
Ric was just standing in his way, so Damon removed him from the equation. At least that's how Damon saw it.

IDK, was Alaric that big of a threat? To me it seemed more like he was just lashing out in a temper, just like he did with Jeremy although to a lesser, more controlled sense...and I'm like, "Really Damon, didn't you outgrow that?". If he did just want to put Alaric out of commission so he wouldn't interfere he could have simply knocked him unconscious, not SNAPPED HIS NECK! :/ Oh Damon...ngl it broke my heart a little seeing him fix that drink for his friend, he is so clueless...

But for me my favorite thing about the episode was definitely Anna. I've missed her so much and the tension between her and Jeremy was OMG. GUH. THEY HAVE SO MUCH CHEMISTRY.



galathea_snb October 9 2011, 21:42:26 UTC
ROFL hey, that was just a very rough assessment of Dean's frame of mind - not at all properly formulated. I'll write in length about it in my review. ;)

Try to be optimistic about Cas. :) How do you think the leviathans knew what kind of aliases the brothers use? That information has to come from someone with intimate knowledge of Sam and Dean's MO. I think this is further proof that the boss leviathan is still in Castiel's body, using his memories about the Winchesters. I will be convinced of this until I am told otherwise on screen. ;)


sherrilina October 9 2011, 22:36:59 UTC
Lol, well it still seemed pretty well-formulated to me and made sense/comforted me, so I wanted to share that bit for now! ;)

That information has to come from someone with intimate knowledge of Sam and Dean's MO. I think this is further proof that the boss leviathan is still in Castiel's body, using his memories about the Winchesters. I will be convinced of this until I am told otherwise on screen. ;)

OMG, you're right, that does sound like a probable explanation for how the Leviathans know all that!!! (I had been wondering, I assumed we were just supposed to think they were really ~high tech or something, extrapolating from police records, though I'm sure they've changed aliases since s2, etc). Wow, thanks for once again reassuring me, lol, love this theory! :D *hug* Though poor Cas if he's conscious through all this, and knowing the Leviathans are sing him against the boys...


honeymink October 9 2011, 22:52:24 UTC
I thought the first two VD episodes this year were very weak, I almost didn't want to watch anymore. The last two I liked better - there seemed to be more happening. I like the backstory with Klaus and Rebekka, also liked the bit where Gloria was all "Liked you better than your brother." to Damon - it kind of implied that he is actually the one who has more of a conscience. Loved Katherine and was so disappointed that Stefan wouldn't work with her. The whole Alaric thing sucked, I agree. As for Caroline forgiving her dad... I think she is a truthfully cheerful person who wants to love everyone desperately, so I didn't see that out of character. I admit that I hope that Elijah comes back... more originals family dynamics would be cool in my book ( ... )


sherrilina October 10 2011, 04:11:20 UTC
Aw really? Personally I liked the first two epps a bit more I think (or than 3x04 at least), but I agree the plot is picking up more now, glad you're enjoying it better again! I do love the Original Family dynamic and still want to learn more about them, Elijah just needs to come back period though regardless of family because he is awesome and has great hair, as Alaric noted! ;) And Katherine is always flawless...

Oh man, I haven't watched Merlin since season 1 because of the lack of ArMor. That piece of dialogue you posted made me weep. I loved them so much together.Ugh yeah you probably made the right call if those were your preferences, because the show really does suck on that front after s1, or just Morgana in general! :/ In s2 they just forget that Arthur and Morgana ever had a relationship period, fraternal or otherwise, and in s3 they did show more of that again, but it was tainted b/c Morgana had had her ridiculous personality transplant by then, by which she no longer cared about Arthur and actively tried to kill him, ( ... )


honeymink October 10 2011, 16:37:03 UTC
I found the whole werewolves being bitten thing so tedious and random. So I was glad when they involved Rebekka. Yes to everything you said about Katherine and Elijah. I'm on board ( ... )


sherrilina October 13 2011, 02:50:47 UTC
Oh I found the werewolf thing boring as well, but not the other plotlines in the first 2 epps...

Oh, it's about Uther then. Hm. I can't do that. It's a personal thing from bad personal real life experience and has nothing to do with the show, I guess, but it still clouds my judgement insofar as I really cannot watch couples with a big age difference or anything that is teacher/pupil, father/daughter, uncle/niece... and she is his ward. I mean okay, Morgana is not exactly helpless and perhaps it would be hard to victimize her in that context but I would still feel that way. I loved ArMor so much in season 1, I really didn't want to get my heart broken.Well I can understand that, this is the first such pairing for me, though part of it is after I realized that despite the age gap, he often treats her more like an equal or like a wife than someone below him--there are many such moments, like him talking with her about Arthur as if she wasn't Arthur's peer rather than his, etc. And for me it's mainly their angsty, messy, co-dependent ( ... )


swagneto October 10 2011, 12:11:47 UTC
idk man I fucking love Damon like this. I think I'm fairly alone in this, but i prefer it when he's all "I am not Stefan" and not trying to fit into Stefan's mould. I like my Damon fucked up. I first loved him in S1 and while I still loved him in S2, I was really starting to miss some of his S1 personality so I'm glad to see it coming back. He's not the hero and he's never going to be, and I'm glad the show is addressing that and that Elena is starting to realise that he's not her Stefan substitute.

I just really love asshole Damon.


sherrilina October 10 2011, 13:26:55 UTC
Hmm, well I like Damon being snarky and badass and all, but not so destructive necessarily....I loved his arc in s1 best, where he ended up there, esp in second half of the season. There is the fact that he was a lot more moralistic and sweeter when he was human/early in his vampire days, apparently, which I've always found to be really interesting, so I think it would make for a good arc for Damon to end up more there in the end (and I thought all his ~epiphanies while dying last season set up for that). I mean, he could still be snarky and a bit crazy and badass, but not you know, KILLING his friends or pulling some of the s2 shit again....but different strokes!


swagneto October 10 2011, 13:28:19 UTC
I just like having a really flawed character. I don't know. He's got ten million issues and i kind of like him that way.


sherrilina October 10 2011, 13:35:23 UTC
Flawed and issues and well and good, I generally appreciate them in a character as well, and certainly wouldn't want all of Damon's issues to go away (I love his inferiority complex, and the whole "Jacob Have I Loved" stolen birthright of everyone preferring his younger brother thing, for instance). But he does walk a fine line, and if he were to keep being out of control as far as killing people it'd reach the point where it's a bit unrealistic that he wouldn't be killed by the Council, etc, as a danger...though I suppose Stefan might have issues with that now as well.


hmsharmony October 10 2011, 14:00:52 UTC
I really didn't like the dress Gwen wore in the first ep, either, but the other dresses she wore (which you really get to see in ep 2) are much better. The one she were in 4x01 was just awkward. O_O I don't really give much credence to "period appropriateness" anymore (I feel like Morgana threw that out the window with the halter dress she wore in the first ep, and then there were Elena's pumps and 18th century dress =P) -- I just care if the outfits look good. =P (Which this one did not).

I thought you'd be happy over Uther if you ever saw the ep! He's pretty devastated, isn't he? Glad you got some shippy moments. <3

poor Lancelot though, in that scene with Gwen, he loved her first...:(Ugh, yeah, I feel terrible for him (I feel terrible for all of them whenever triangle shenanigans come up, tbh), but then I always think, "Well, this is why you do not abandon people in a forest." XD I don't mean it COMPLETELY, but that's my go-to thought. =P And hey, at least now he has Merlin (they are ridiculously adorable together ( ... )


sherrilina October 10 2011, 14:55:02 UTC
Lol, I'm glad even you as an uber-Gwen fan didn't like Gwen's dress, wasn't it awful? It looked like something a tween would wear or something...I mean, as I said, it's all fake!period anyway b/c there is no true period--the castle is 16th cent, tomatoes are post-discovery of New World, homework is modern, etc--but still, I feel Gwen's dress doesn't look old-fashioned at ALL as the other stuff sort of does (even Morgana's s1 dress looked like it could be Dark Ages-y a bit, IMO).

I thought you'd be happy over Uther if you ever saw the ep! He's pretty devastated, isn't he? Glad you got some shippy moments. <3

Lol, you know me so well! ;) Thanks...

Re: Dan/Blair: Yeah, I hope so, though there are actually still C/B shippers (like you see still questions sent to asking for C/B scoops, etc, ugh, prob teeny boppers), so who knows if they realize this...:/ In any case, I finally took the time to get myself a D/B icon since we last spoke! ;)


hmsharmony October 10 2011, 15:09:08 UTC
LOL, I am so proud of you! I remain lazy and have yet to get one.

And yeah, even in my 4x01 reaction post I touched on that. That outfit was all sorts of awkward.


sherrilina October 10 2011, 15:20:24 UTC
Lol, the other night after looking at some D/B stuff on Tumblr I was like "ok gotta do this," I just got something, figured I could always switch it out later! :p

And oh yes, I'll have to check out your review now that I've finally watched!


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