About a week ago today I caught up with Doctor Who (it took me about 2 months or so in all), and I've been meaning to post here since about my thoughts on the specials and season 5...
The Specials:
Tell you what...I bet you're going to have a really great year! )
Comments 13
That D/R scene at the end of TEoT will always be my favorite D/R scene, and I have a lot of them. I'm just a big fan of things coming full circle, and knowing now that The Doctor saw Rose before he even met her in "Rose" is nice to think about.
I found it really boring and I felt like it ruined the WA mythology with all the retcons about looking them in the eyes, and the image thing, and them suddenly snapping necks instead of being "the only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely"I hated that, too. I just watched "Blink" with my mom yesterday and seeing them in ( ... )
THIS. SO MUCH. I felt like they DESTROYED the WA. The whole reason WHY they were so creepy was because even though you KNEW it wasn't true, you couldn't help but wonder. If the statues just move/attack when you blink...how would you ever know? And then Moffat had to go and destroy his own epic story. Blegh.
I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKE RORY. He is definitely my favorite of the Tardis crew. He's so adorable and dorky and just...GYAH. He became a nurse because Amy wanted a doctor, but he couldn't quite manage it. AND THEN HE WAITED FOR 2,000 FREAKING YEARS. I want my own Rory. &hearts
I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKE RORY. He is definitely my favorite of the Tardis crew. He's so adorable and dorky and just...GYAH. He became a nurse because Amy wanted a doctor, but he couldn't quite manage it. AND THEN HE WAITED FOR 2,000 FREAKING YEARS. I want my own Rory. ♥
God, I didn't even think of that, the becoming a nurse because she wanted a doctor thing...(or of it was in an epp I forgot!). Oh Rory! We all need one...I'm not entirely sure Amy deserves one, she better stay faithful to him now. And quit her job as a freaking kissogram, what the hell kind of job is that?! I'm glad that he'll be in season 6 more (or I sure hope so!), I expected him to be in all of season 5, and then he goes poof for a whole bunch of episodes, and I was disappoint...
Seriously, the Doctor should kick Amy off of the Tardis and just travel with Rory.
And BTW you had me looking up more "Gregory and the Hawk," have you heard the song "Isabelle"? Really beautiful!
I hated the specials. Waters of Mars was the ONLY one I could tolerate and in my head-canon TEoT NEVER happened at all. A lot of this is because of my love for Donna. She was the BEST thing about the RTD era.
Her relationship with the Doctor was the first Doctor/Companion relationship that felt comfortable and natural to me. (Rose was too needy and Martha was too busy pining to reach her full potential.) My love for Doctor/Donna is epic and enduring. So thats why I loathed the ending they gave her with a flamey passion. The Doctor took away everything they did together, everything that she accomplished and the woman she was, and in the end he just left her like that? He didn't fix her? He's a Time Lord, a master of time itself and he couldn't lock himself in a bubble somewhere and come up with a solution? Really? REALLY? Sorry, but I call bullshit ( ... )
I hated the specials. Waters of Mars was the ONLY one I could tolerate and in my head-canon TEoT NEVER happened at all.
Hmm, I find that interesting if you were tired of angsty!Ten, that the only special you like is the one where he's like the most angsty, barring TEOT perhaps...
Her relationship with the Doctor was the first Doctor/Companion relationship that felt comfortable and natural to me. (Rose was too needy and Martha was too busy pining to reach her full potential.) My love for Doctor/Donna is epic and enduring. So thats why I loathed the ending they gave her with a flamey passion. The Doctor took away everything they did together, everything that she accomplished and the woman she was, and in the end he just left her like that? He didn't fix her? He's a Time Lord, a master of time itself and he couldn't lock himself in a ( ... )
Like you, I think Amy needs a little work. I like her a lot and I give her a lot of leeway but I think she needs some more acting lessons because she can be really stiff sometimes.
Yeah, exactly, though also IDK, I still don't entirely get her, maybe it's the cracks in time's effect, but IDK. Like, who is a kissogram for a living? (And who kisses other people for a living when they have a sweet boyfriend like Rory?) Has she gone to school or anything? I still feel like Amy is something of a blank slate, and I hope we learn more about her and what her deal is in season 6...
Rory, however, is the best thing since sliced bread. I love having a male companion again.Yeah, I was just rewatching the D/R/J scenes from The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, and Boom Town, they really did have a great dynamic with a third male companion like Jack there, and I wish we could have had more of that....D/M/J was great as well. Again, I'd really love to see Jack return and meet 11 ( ... )
I actually loved angsty!Ten. I didn’t mean to give that impression. I just didn’t like him when he was angsting over Rose.
Yeah, I did love the Doctor/Donna friendship as well, though obviously I can't agree on it being the first relationship that felt natural and comfortable to me (since you've probably noticed that I ship Doctor/Rose like FedEx! ;)).My issue with Rose as a companion wasn’t Rose herself. She was a good companion. They had good interaction and characterisation. There was nothing wrong with that. And her ending was one of the best companion goodbyes in Who history. It was heartbreaking and epic and awesome ( ... )
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