About a week ago today I caught up with Doctor Who (it took me about 2 months or so in all), and I've been meaning to post here since about my thoughts on the specials and season 5...
The Specials:
Tell you what...I bet you're going to have a really great year! )
I actually loved angsty!Ten. I didn’t mean to give that impression. I just didn’t like him when he was angsting over Rose.
Yeah, I did love the Doctor/Donna friendship as well, though obviously I can't agree on it being the first relationship that felt natural and comfortable to me (since you've probably noticed that I ship Doctor/Rose like FedEx! ;)).
My issue with Rose as a companion wasn’t Rose herself. She was a good companion. They had good interaction and characterisation. There was nothing wrong with that. And her ending was one of the best companion goodbyes in Who history. It was heartbreaking and epic and awesome.
The issue I had with Rose (and this wasn’t her fault obviously) was that they wouldn’t let her stay gone. They just kept bringing her up over and over and over again. The whole reason Martha wasn’t as strong as she could have been was that she was mooning after the Doctor who was mooning after Rose. I don’t think there was an episode apart from maybe Blink where Rose wasn’t mentioned. I actually felt that it was disrespectful of Roses part in the Doctors life. It was a perfect ending and it would have been fine to have left it there. But they just kept pushing it and pushing it. That’s how I felt anyway.
As for Donna's fate, while it was very sad, and I wished she could have been around another season (although then 10 would have needed to been around another season),
I agree. Donna could only have been Tens assistant. I don’t think she would have worked with Eleven.
I don't think it's all that unbelievable that he couldn't have found a way to fix her...he may be the Doctor, but he can't fix everything and everyone, he's not really a God. (Though the thing in TEOT where she didn't actually die like he said she would if she remembered was dumb and a cop-out). And what caused her having to have her memories taken away in the first place was pretty epic and made Donna so nice and important, which I liked...
The issue I have with it is that he didn’t even try. He just said, “No, can’t be done!” and that was that. I personally don’t believe that the Doctor would do that at all. That felt totally OOC to me. But then it’s possible my opinion is coloured by the fact that I wanted her back so badly.
(You’re completely right about that being a cop-out. It was lame lame lame.)
Yes you’re right that the end of series 4 was a good ending but I needed for her to get put right again. I HATE the fact that she didn’t get a choice. (I’ll go into this in a minute.)
The thing is, Donna had to stop traveling with him eventually--nobody can stay with the Doctor forever especially not on a TV show like this that's about to have a new showrunner with a clean slate.
Oh I had no issue with Ten leaving or with Donna leaving too. I would have liked to have seen a Moffat/Tennant/Tate series but we can’t always have nice things can we?
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