FALL BACK INTO SHERLOCK: Masterlist of Fills!

Oct 02, 2011 19:34

Thanks to everyone who took part! It was a fun little fest, with lots of wonderful fills. :D

If you've written something for this fest and didn't quite make the deadline, do let me know so I can include it here on the master list.

And stay tuned to the comm if you'd like to participate in our winter holiday fic exchange: information about that will be going up very shortly!

Due to the nature of a comment fic fest, the information we have on individual fills is not as complete. Please see individual fic headers for applicable warnings and ratings! For summaries or character tags, please visit the comm's delicious account.

When We Three Shall Meet Again by meredydd
Prompt: Prompt: Any, witchcraft

Lessons Learned: Part 1 and Part 2 by morganstuart
Prompt: Any; Back to School

The Rights of Your Unworlding by sc010f
Prompt: ANY; "October is nature's funeral month. Nature glories in death more than in life." (source: Henry Ward Beecher).

Carving Memories by fenm
Prompt: John, ANY; pumpkin (as a taste, a scent, the fruit itself, the seeds, whatever you like)

November Chill by rachel2205
Prompt: Prompt: Molly/Moriarty; he lends her a jumper.

Six O'Clock and All's Well by dreambrother89
Prompt: Any; It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life. -PD James

To Let The Warm Love In by dltoro
Prompt: John/Sherlock, a la Bridget Jones' diary, standing in a row boat and shouting Keats poetry

[untitled] by thesmallhobbit
Prompt: Any; giving in to the urge to jump into a big pile of leaves on a lovely autumn afternoon.

Costume by lmusic
Prompt: Molly/Lestrade; Molly dressed up in a not-racy costume for a Halloween party where shes the only one in costume (cue embarrassment, maybe Lestrade comfort...)

The Tell-Tale Organ by apple_pathways
Prompt: ANY; Edgar Allan Poe (who died mysteriously on 7 October, FYI)

Rituals by fenm
Prompt: Any; a grave covered in autumn leaves.

Taking Care of Business by rueroux

Prickly by fenm
Prompt: John/Sherlock; Sussex Downs retirement. Fall garden clean up, and the annual argument over pulling the thistles or not.

Tourists by fenm
Prompt: Sherlock/John; a horse and carriage ride, holding hands, first kiss.

Local Colour by thesmallhobbit
Prompt: A day out in Lestrade's native West Country, in its glorious autumnal beauty

No Spring Nor Summer Beauty by zjofierose
Prompt: Prompt: No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace As I have seen in one Autumnal face.

When the Minutes Drag by morganstuart
Prompt: Any; the nights are getting longer.

Before the Rain by special_schizo
Prompt: Sherlock or John; Wither'd leaves, wither'd leaves, that fly before the gale: / Withered leaves, withered leaves, ye tell a mournful tale, / Of love once true, and friends once kind, / And happy moments fled: / Dispersed by every breath of wind, / Forgotten, changed, or dead! / Autumn leaves, autumn leaves, lie strewn around me here! / Autumn leaves, autumn leaves, how sad, how cold, how drear! ('George Edmund's Song' by Charles Dickens).

[untitled] by thesmallhobbit
Prompt: John; the joy of wearing jumpers

Remember, Remeber by special_schizo
Prompt: Moriarty; he has his own way of celebrating Guy Fawkes' Day.

Red Hairing by archea2
Prompt: ANY; Edgar Allan Poe (who died mysteriously on 7 October, FYI)

For Else He Is Nowhere by fengirl88
Prompt: Lestrade/Any: 'No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace / As I have seen in one Autumnal face."

Thank you to everyone who participated by prompting or filling! We'll meet again come Sherlockmas. ;)

masterlist, fall back into sherlock, masterlist: fall back into sherlock

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