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thesmallhobbit October 2 2011, 14:29:20 UTC
Title: untitled
Pairing: John, John/Lestrade
Prompt: John; the joy of wearing jumpers
Warnings: None
Length: 221B ( ... )


morganstuart October 2 2011, 16:42:10 UTC
Oh, I adore this. All the reasons that make him useful: giving Sherlock a better chance at observation, de-stressing the Scotland Yard visits, helping him in a fight. SO perfect.

And of course I love the fact Lestrade loves them on (and off of) him, too.

The last line is a hoot.

This is lovely in every way. <3 Thank you!


thesmallhobbit October 2 2011, 16:50:47 UTC
I'm so pleased that you liked this. It was such a good prompt it would have been a shame for it not to be filled.


coolcia October 4 2011, 14:14:38 UTC
hahaha, fantastic :D


thesmallhobbit October 4 2011, 22:18:24 UTC
Thank you, glad you liked it.


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