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Comments 174

PAGE-A-MOD rachel2205 September 17 2011, 00:01:26 UTC


Re: PAGE-A-MOD bwblack September 17 2011, 00:04:25 UTC
We can do new prompts throughout the writing period, right?


Re: PAGE-A-MOD rachel2205 September 17 2011, 00:06:01 UTC
Yes! You can make as many new prompts as you like right up to the deadline (though obviously the closer to the deadline the less likely they are to be filled).


Re: PAGE-A-MOD apple_pathways September 17 2011, 00:07:38 UTC
Hey sweetie, can you add a link to the delicious account to the post? Thanks! xx


GENERAL SQUEE rachel2205 September 17 2011, 00:05:28 UTC
Leave that under here if you can't contain yourself! And let the rest of the post be prompts and prompt fills, please! :)


Re: GENERAL SQUEE rachel2205 September 17 2011, 01:44:02 UTC
Eee, so many cool prompts already! <33


Re: GENERAL SQUEE bwblack September 17 2011, 02:19:44 UTC
so much squee:

Re: sabrinaphynn
( not sure if 'farmers's market' is an Americanism- it is a place where local farmers and crafts people sell directly to the public. My usual one always has local honey, and they close up the last week of October or so... And I am definately getting there this week!)

LOL, A friend of mine in Chicago was mentioning that the farmers market was almost done for the season there this time last year and I was all, HUH? Many many many bad things about Texas weather most especially this year but our various farmers markets take just one week off at Christmas. And it didn't occur to me until she mentioned it that not everybody has a 12 month growing cycle.


Re: GENERAL SQUEE thesmallhobbit September 17 2011, 21:44:14 UTC
Yep, we have farmers' markets over here too - similar principle. There may be fewer over the winter months, but they do continue and there is a large pre-Christmas push.


FILLED PROMPT TRACKING POST! apple_pathways September 17 2011, 00:06:35 UTC
Note: Fills begin Monday, 19 September!

Once you've filled a prompt, please link it here so I can add it to the fest's delicious!


  • Go to the comment in which you posted your fill. (Or the link to your fill!) At the top of your comment is a little blue link that says "link".
  • Click on that!
  • Copy and paste the URL (from the address bar at the top of your browser) into a reply to THIS COMMENT!

Any questions? Click the link Rachel provided at the end of the post.


"Lessons Learned, Part 1 of 2" morganstuart September 19 2011, 18:36:01 UTC
Fill: http://sherlockmas.livejournal.com/56166.html?thread=839270#t839270

Note: Part 2 will be posted before the end of the fest!


Re: "Lessons Learned, Part 1 of 2" apple_pathways September 20 2011, 00:23:29 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

rachel2205 September 17 2011, 00:51:20 UTC
Sherlock and Mycroft; a Bonfire Night during their childhood, maybe with Sherlock overexplaining the fireworks...


rachel2205 September 17 2011, 00:54:14 UTC
Molly/Moriarty; See the infant sun / Whose time has come to climb the mist / Touch the autumn sky / Burned by the supernaturalist / Kiss the purest lips / The morning slips into the day / Rising from the bed /We feel our dead skin fall away ('Death of a Supernaturalist' by The Divine Comedy)


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