Fall Back Into Sherlock

Sep 17, 2011 01:00


Please refer to this post for details on how the Fest works! :)

Prompts can be made from TODAY!

You can start filling prompts from NOW!

Format & method of prompting

ONE prompt per comment

All prompts should have an Autumn/Fall theme

Pairing (if any) or preferred characters, fandom(s) (if a crossover), the prompt
- John/Sherlock; Bonfire Night
- Sarah/Moriarty, Captain Jack; Torchwood; Halloween masquerade goes wrong

Have fun! Post lots of prompts! Tell your friends! (If you want to promote us, you can use this...)


http://sherlockmas.livejournal.com/56166.html">Join us, 19 September - 2 October!

How to fill prompts

1a. As a comment/series of comments to the prompt
1b. As a separate post to your own journal, with a link back as a reply to the original prompt
2. Leave a link HERE to your completed fic!

You can reply to as many prompts as you want with fics of any length you like - 10 words or 10,000, they are all fine!

You must use a header:

Title: [untitled]

It is vital that you warn. Fills that do not feature warnings will be DELETED. If your fic does not require a warning, write NONE to make sure we know you've considered the issue!

Each prompt can be filled multiple times.

Fics posted up until 23.59pm Pacific Standard Time on Sunday 2nd October (GMT 7am October 3rd) will be included in the final masterlist.

And keep track of the fills, once they start, through the Fest's delicious (set up by the rather delicious apple_pathways!)

Questions for mods? Ask here. Any general chitchat, gossip and squee can happen, with our full blessing, right here. And give that all important feedback on filled prompts here.

fall back into sherlock

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