Autumn is icumen in...

Sep 09, 2011 13:56

19 September - 2 October

14 days

All fic lengths, all pairings, all genres

So, this is how it's going to work! A lot of you are familiar with kinkmemes, and this is similar in set up.

On 17 September (note date), a post will go up here in this comm. You will leave prompts. As many prompts as you like, with the caveats that each prompt must be in a SEPARATE comment, and your prompt should have a vaguely fall/autumn related theme. One of the nice things about sherlockmas is its vaguely seasonal appropriateness, so let's continue that.

Your prompts should be set out in the following way:

Pairing (if any) or preferred characters, fandom(s) (if a crossover), the prompt

Easy! For example:

John/Sherlock, Lestrade; kicking fallen leaves

Lestrade/Molly, the Doctor; Doctor Who; "So when you hear this Autumnsong / Remember the first times are yet to come"

The Scotland Yard team; Bonfire Night party

Prompts can be posted up to TWO DAYS before the official start of the Fest, i.e. from Saturday 17th. Think of this as the previews period before the main feature release! ;)

Promptscan be filled from Monday 19th. You can continue to post prompts throughout the two week period.

How you fill a prompt:

1. As a comment/series of comments to the prompt
2. As a separate post to your own journal, with a link back

If you choose no. 2, reply to the prompt with a link to your journal so the promptee knows their prompt's been filled!

The format for your replies is simple but VERY IMPORTANT. Just because this is a comment meme doesn't mean that, for instance, warnings can be disregarded. Please make use of the following to start either your comment or entry:

Prompt: (if you're replying by entry rather than a comment)

Title: [untitled]

This is for the protection and comfort of our community members and is not optional. Because of the casual nature of this challenge, the compulsory header is shorter than usual. If you'd like to make use of the full header we've used for previous challenges, it's here:

Type of work:
Prompt(s) used:
Word count:

You MUST warn for:
- Explicit sex
- BDSM - where possible indicate nature of elements (e.g. blood play, bondage)
- Incest - even if it doesn't include explicit sex
- Graphic violence or torture
- Dubious consent (dubcon), nonconsensual sex (noncon), rape
- Self-harm
- Descriptions of abuse (physical or sexual)
- Character death
- Suicide

We do NOT warn for slash/femslash. It's offensive to treat same-sex relationships as needing a warning in and of themselves.

I will delete posts that do not contain warnings! Again, for many people warnings are not there to simply avoid squicks, they are to avoid triggers and I want this to be a safe place. I'm stressing this heavily because sometimes commentfics, because they are casual, result in people not bothering with warnings! I know sometimes for commentfics people don't bother with titles, so I've put in a default of [untitled] which you can delete! See, easy. :)

Posting will run to the end of 2nd October. Each prompt can be filled MULTIPLE times. There is no minimum or maximum length to your prompt fills, though only fics posted within the two week period will be included in the masterlist. (However, if a prompt sparks a massive plot bunny for a multipart fic, as long as you post part 1 in the two weeks, we'll link to your whole fic!)

This is a bit of an experiment for us but I think it should be lots of fun! Hopefully it will encourage shyer members of the comm to post too - because this is a short fest and you can post just as comments if you prefer, you don't need to worry about fic being "perfect" because it's all just for fun!

A question for you all: would you like to be able to post and fill prompts anonymously or not? My preference is for not, to prevent spam and also because this is a community event, and since this isn't a kinkmeme per se anonymity is less of a thing. However, if it's very important to you we'll consider it!

fall back rules, fall back into sherlock

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