Sep 07, 2011 23:52

Darlings! There's never a dull moment at Sherlockmas. At the end of October, we will be starting our next major event, a Christmas gift exchange, but in the meantime...

19 September - 2 October

We shall be having a wonderfully low stress, high fun two week event to celebrate the coming of autumn! :) Essentially, you will post prompts with a fall theme, and then you will fill other people's prompts, either in the comments or in separate posts! There will be no limit to how many times a prompt can be filled, how many prompts you can fill, or how long your fill is. You can write a 50 word drabble or a 5000 word masterpiece or a dozen five hundred word ficlets. Whatever you want to do in that two week period! No pressure, only FUN FUN FUN. I hope you will be there! More info to come. :D

(And if the name's confusing: "spring forward, fall back" - put the clocks back for autumn, and also - time to fall back in love with Sherlock before series 2 airs!)

fall back into sherlock, !modpost

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