Sep 01, 2011 14:56

Ok, this is getting like a horror movie franchise. I really think this IS the last entry!! O_O Also, I am totally done with hotmail, it flags things as suspicious and also the search feature doesn't work half the time (like, I can search by email address and nothing will come up...). Now for the next fest I need to find some kind of plugin that will let me be logged into 2 gmail accounts at once... Also, I should clearly leave all organisation to apple_pathways, she is much, much better at it than me.

AND DRUMROLL PLEASE. A nice bit of sexually explicit stuff to finish things off!

Username: ann_imaginative
Type of work: fic
Category: Slash
Title: Ice Ice Baby
Prompt(s) used: Ice cubes (and a blindfold)
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~1760
Warnings: explicit sex, contains food
Notes/Acknowledgments: This is totally un-betaed because I only finished it just in time due to some rather big changes in RL. If you find anything that needs changing just let me know and I’ll go back to it as soon as I can (i.e. found a new flat) Also, this is my very first attempt to write explicit scenes. Just saying...

It was far too hot. Seriously. I mean 35 degrees in the shade for the third day in a row after a whole week of not less than 25 degrees lowest temperature.
Greg was fed up with the heat. He felt like he was 87 instead of 45. The leather of his couch was clinging to his skin and the fan in front of the open window wasn’t bringing any relieve. He really wished he would have chosen the newly built basement flat he was looking at when Sylvia had kicked him out over the very badly insulated loft in an old factory building in Southwark that seemed to suit his midlife crisis being a cool copper on a racing bike self better.
Greg heard the keys turn in the lock of the front door. John was back from the surgery. Later than usual. Wednesdays were their reserved evenings. No Sherlock, no case, no patient, just the two of them, a beer, a film, incredibly hot sex.
‘Uff’ just the thought of sex was appalling to him at the moment. Far too hot. In a bad sense of the word.
‘You all right?’ John walked in and placed a light kiss on top of his lover’s head. John was dressed in long heavy looking khaki trousers and a thick creamy cotton shirt with his sleeves rolled up. If there would have been a topee on his head he would have looked like some explorer visiting the Amazonas.
‘How can you dress like that? I sweat if I just look at you. It’s 35 bloody degrees out there and you are wrapped up as if you would go ice skating any minute.’
John chuckled and walked over to the open kitchen area. ‘Afghanistan...’ he answered lightly. ‘Talking of ice, do you want some?’ he asked over his shoulder while he helped himself from the freezer. Greg vaguely remembered John telling him something about moulds to make your own ice lollies he had bought yesterday.
‘No thanks. Too lazy to move right now.’
‘We’ll see about that’ murmured John under his breath, grabbed a lolly from the freezer and walked over to sit in the chair facing the sofa.
John started to mouth the lolly that was long and slightly curved and in general looked quite odd out of the corners of Greg’s eyes. He couldn’t be bothered to turn his head, though. Nothing interesting in watching someone eating ice cream, right?
Well, not as long as this particular someone isn’t starting to make noises that no one normally makes while eating ice cream.
John made a small whimpering sound and licked at his lolly quite loudly.
WTF? Homemade ice cream can’t be that good, can it? John made a noise again. This time it was an unmistakable moan. Greg turned his head and was hit by the image of his lover sucking a life-size very very cock shaped ice lolly.
It was a deep red colour - probably blood orange juice, Geoff had found a half empty bottle in his fridge in the morning - and about the size of his own cock that began to stir in his loose boxer shorts. Greg was watching intently now.
John’s tongue slit along the underside of the ice cock and circled around the glans in small strokes. His eyes were heavy lidded and he had slightly slid down in the chair to make himself more comfortable. This was amazing. The colour and the size matched Greg’s member in a surprising accurate way. Not right now but it wouldn’t be long if John carried on doing what he was doing.
The DI swallowed hard.
It didn’t take long for the ex-army doctor to convince his lover that the weather was no reason to skip their usual Wednesday evening activity...

Greg was splayed out face down on top on his bed and was waiting anxiously for John to return from wherever it was he went to get things.
John had blindfolded the DI and Greg could hear him closing the door of the freezer and putting something that sounded suspiciously like ice cubes into a bowl.
The sound made his breath hitch and goose bumps erupt all over his arms and legs despite the heat in the flat.
He felt the mattress dip from John’s weight.
At the first contact the ice cube made with this back Greg drew a sharp breath. The cold was glorious on his heated skin. Water ran down his spine and gathered in the small dip right above his cheeks. Greg couldn’t hold back the moan as John’s tongue dipped into the pool and sucked up the melt.
John made quite an effort to cool down his lover- and make him hot at the very same time - with his special ice cube massage. Running the cold pieces over his shoulders, down his spine, dipping them into his cleft from time to time and letting him suck on every new ice cube he took out of the bowl. The sensation was unbelievable for Greg. He would never have thought that rubbing his back with a frozen piece of water would make him squirm but it did. Especially so, because John kept blowing his hot breath over the cool and wet skin on his lovers back.

All of a sudden, John was gone. Greg craned his head and tried to listen where his lover had gone to as he was still blindfolded. He heard John putting the bowl in the sink and opening the freezer one more time. When John was back in bed Greg could tell that he hadn’t just gone to get new ice cubes but he only found out when he felt something thick and cold and rather hard being pressed against his bum.
‘Guess what I got here for you’ John whispered into his ear in a way that made the hair on his arms and at the back of his neck stand upright. The DI gasped as he felt the hard thing finding his way between his cheeks and pressing against his entrance.
‘Remember the ice lolly?’ John whispered ‘you know, you can fill these moulds with all sorts of things.’ With this John pushed the ice dildo against Greg’s hole with a bit more force and the cold glans broke the ring and slipped in just a bit. The melting dildo left a slick film behind.
‘I didn’t know if lube would actually freeze into a solid dildo but I thought it would be worth a try. What do you think?’ With every other word John pushed deeper into his lover until the whole icy shaft was buried inside him. The feeling was intense and numbing at the same time. The dildo was a bit thicker than John’s cock and spread Greg wider than he was used to but it didn’t hurt because of the cold. He let out a strangled moan and shifted to gain more friction on his own hard cock.
‘Get on your knees, I want to fuck you properly’ John panted into his lovers ear. Somehow he found the view of Greg taken by the icy dildo more arousing than he had thought possible. To see him squirming for friction made his cock twitch and leak pre-cum and he almost couldn’t wait to push into his lover’s slicked up hole himself.
This was the weirdest thing Greg had ever experienced. The dildo up his arse hit his prostate every other time and made him jump and squirm but at the same time something was missing. He could feel the orgasm pool in his stomach but the last tiny bit to push him over the edge was just not there. No matter how hard John pumped into him or how often he brushed his sweet spot with a doctor’s accuracy.
‘God, John! Do something!’ his voice was almost desperate now, begging for something, more friction, more force, anything.
Greg’s words shot bolts of lightning right to John’s neglected groin. He was hard and leaking and not able to wait another second, watching Greg squirm underneath him, pushing his firm bum up and against what was left of the frozen dildo.
He drew back and let it slide out of Greg who gasped at the sudden emptiness.
‘Are you ready?’ John breathed into his lover’s ear and positioned himself between the slick and slightly cold cheeks.
With one smooth move he slid in all the way and held his breath. Greg was tight and cool and very slick. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. Usually any touch to his hard cock felt warm or even hot but this was different. He had been prepared to think about something unpleasant because Greg moaning and squirming and begging for more had him on the edge already without even being touched just once since they started but the cool feeling cooled down the lust, too. Thank God for that.
It was different for Greg. All he was missing was suddenly there and multiplied by the contrast of John’s hot pulsing member against his slightly frozen walls. It was almost a burning feeling.
‘John...move! I...need...’ Greg’s desperate cry dies to a breathless gasping when John starts moving slowly. He can feel his lover contracting around him and knows he won’t be long but that’s ok. He doesn’t want to hold back either. Enough nice foreplay. Greg’s moans and whimpers got louder with every thrust of John’s cock and John was speeding up slightly with every of the DI’s sexy noises, warming the cool walls a little more each time.
‘Yes, Greg. Be loud for me. Let me hear what it does to you.’ John emphasized every other word with a deep thrust and was nearly slamming into him by now.
‘ugh... Oh God I’m close’ John could feel it, could feel the contractions around his cock and Greg’s body going tense. He let his hand wander down his lover’s hip and started stroking his cock in long firm strokes matching his frantic thrusts. With a loud groan Greg came all over John’s hand in hot long spurs and that was enough to push John over the edge and he spilled into his lover and filled him before he collapsed on top of him.
Sweaty and sticky the rolled over and lay there for a while. A panting mess of tangled limbs.
‘Do you still hate the summer heat, Detective Inspector Lestrade?’ John asked with a wink and planted a small kiss on his lovers forehead.

category: slash, filled: fic, pairing: john/lestrade

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