Prompting Part XXXV

Mar 30, 2014 11:33

Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.
  • Anon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, keep it to yourself and don’t out them. IP tracking is off, and will remain that way.
  • Multiple fills are encouraged, and all kinds of fills are accepted! Fic, art, ( Read more... )
  • prompting: 35, prompt posts

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    Comments 7364

    Omega!Sherlock is proud of his Alpha!John anonymous March 30 2014, 16:59:02 UTC
    I imagine there's this sort of unspoken contest between omegas. It's common for them to brag about certain aspects of their alphas to try to show up other omega (a bit like stereotypical housewives).

    "My alpha just bought us that new tv set we've been eyeing."

    "My alpha's so virile, we just found out we're having twins!"

    When Sherlock and John get together, Sherlock is so proud of John that (even though he hates the idea of the competition and finds the other omegas tedious) he finally joins in but (in usual Sherlock fashion) chooses the oddest things to brag about.

    "John produces [high but realistic for an alpha] CCs of semen when he ejaculates, even when I'm outside of heat."

    "John's knot expands to [number] millimeters which is perfect considering [number + 2 or 3] is the number of millimeters he could expand to without actually damaging me."

    "John's semen contains [high number of an alpha] [whatever measurement sperm counts are measured in]."Every time he brags, people are shocked to silence because they aren't quite sure ( ... )


    anonymous April 1 2014, 13:55:56 UTC
    . . . oh, I want this. Adorable. XD


    generalbutton April 4 2014, 15:20:30 UTC
    i need dis


    Re: Omega!Sherlock is proud of his Alpha!John scandalousminds May 2 2014, 20:47:33 UTC


    anonymous March 30 2014, 17:07:02 UTC
    OP here
    Don't know if this has already been reprompted, but:

    Sherlock is kidnapped by Moran/an associate of Moriarty's/Jim himself.
    Under threat that John, Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade and Molly will all meet a very specific awful end if he doesn't comply, Sherlock does not attempt to escape.

    His captors try and force him to by treating him cruelly - trying to provoke him, sleep deprivation, humiliation, abuse whatever.

    Sherlock may go a bit mad.

    Bonus if he shows up on one of his friend's doorsteps three years later, completely mute and catatonic.

    Bonus if someone (Mycroft, etc) pushes to have him sectioned.
    I don't even know what I'm prompting, I just want a nearly beaten Sherlock that needs his friends very desperately.

    Even if the original filler is still around and would like to finish, that would be awesome.


    The Lockless Door (1a/?) anonymous June 12 2014, 10:29:13 UTC
    Note: Title is from a poem by Robert Frost. I was debating on calling it "Hell is an Open Door" (you know, like the Frozen song) - but then I decided that would be too weird.

    * * *

    The door is open. He could - he should (no, no. he shouldn’t shouldn’t, couldn’t, won’t) walk through it. It would defeat the purpose. The moment he steps beyond that door…others take his place.

    Names. He needs names. The names are vital. Once he loses the names, he loses everything.

    There’s John. Always John. Everlasting John.

    He smiles at the name. How he imagines it sounds. Nothing else comes forth.

    He knows there’s more. Others he’s forgetting. The strange inkling behind his brow tells him this should bother him. Shapes and letters swirl in his mind, but there’s nothing he can latch unto beyond the inexplicable, curved, rounded feeling of John.

    For now, it’s enough.

    * * *

    Hallow sounds of footsteps echo off the walls. Each one leaves an imprint of his brain, springing up words with no meaning.


    John Lobb.

    Size nine.

    ... )


    The Lockless Door (1b/?) anonymous June 12 2014, 10:30:15 UTC

    He was wrong. It wasn’t the light, or the beatings, or anything else he was prepared to fend off.

    It’s the doorway. Standing there, yawning, mocking him with every passing second. He wants nothing more than to punch it. But even that is futile. It’s impossible to punch empty space, so he doesn’t bother trying.

    Instead he closes his eyes and closes his own door. Smiling, he locks it, barricades it, and seals it. The darkness is comforting. It wraps it way around him, seeping into his pores.

    Finally, there is nothing left but whispers from beyond.

    * * *

    “Sir, he hasn’t responded in days. We’ve tried everything.”

    “Then get more creative!”

    “We’re open to suggestions.”

    “It’s simple. Remind him what he could have then take it away.”

    * * *

    “Hey! Who the hell- Sherlock?!”

    “Sherlock, look at me. Dear God, what happened to you?”

    “Yes, I need an ambulance to 221B Baker Street right away.”

    “Mycroft, when the government is not in dire need to your assistance, give me a call. It’s urg- It’s Sherlock.”

    * * ( ... )


    Re: The Lockless Door (1b/?) anonymous June 12 2014, 10:55:47 UTC

    I'm just glad I got a fill, so of course I'm going to say continue, continue, please!
    One more installment ( or ten more, lol) please?

    I also feel very under qualified to leave concrit, though the little snippets that you're using to make this as minimalist as possible is a fabulous idea.


    Sherlock is a teen dad anonymous March 30 2014, 17:48:15 UTC
    Similar to the No Intentions (by KeelieThompson1) series:

    Sherlock got a girl pregnant when he was in his teens. However he believed she had an abortion. Several years later (after he's met John - no slash please) he discovers the truth.

    + if this is somehow a part of the reason mycroft and sherlock don't get a long.
    ++ if you include everyone's reactions (especially johns!!)
    +++ if sherlock actually wants to be a dad


    (The comment has been removed)

    anonymous October 9 2014, 00:24:37 UTC
    YOOO that was awesome. Wish there was more!


    anonymous November 30 2014, 08:21:53 UTC
    Brilliant. Please do pick it up again and I hope you're feeling more stable soon.


    anonymous March 30 2014, 17:49:54 UTC
    A child is an only witness to a crime and the police are trying to get him/her to talk. Someone gets the child to start talking about their favorite things (its not about the crime, but the kid's talking at least) and says something against pirates.
    Sherlock and the kid get into an argument about pirates vs ninjas.


    anonymous April 1 2014, 13:58:12 UTC
    YES. WANT.


    anonymous April 4 2014, 16:56:33 UTC
    omg yes I want to see this


    jayaugust August 30 2014, 19:09:39 UTC
    I'm on it!!


    Reprompt- J/S/L, Slavery AU, TW: non-con, child abuse anonymous March 30 2014, 17:58:27 UTC
    Slavery AU in which the rising abolitionist movement has been chipping steadily away at the slavery laws. A new set of regulations allows for slaves who'd been sold as minors, with no pre-enslavement criminal history, to gain their freedom. Among the newly freed are John, a frontline medic, and Sherlock, a bed slave. They wind up moving in to 221b together while they try to get on their feet and find their way in this new world. Somehow, they wind up getting involved with a serial killer case where they meet Lestrade. During the course of the case, Sherlock finds his path as a detective, and Lestrade finds himself falling for both of the ex-slaves ( ... )


    Re: Reprompt- J/S/L, Slavery AU, TW: non-con, child abuse anonymous April 1 2014, 15:35:30 UTC
    Working on it now, but no promises


    Re: Reprompt- J/S/L, Slavery AU, TW: non-con, child abuse anonymous April 1 2014, 15:37:40 UTC
    Btw, is Sherlock/Lestrade and John/Mary okay?


    Re: Reprompt- J/S/L, Slavery AU, TW: non-con, child abuse anonymous April 2 2014, 00:26:34 UTC
    OP: Not really. I adore John/Mary but I really wanted this as a threesome.


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