Prompting Part XXXV

Mar 30, 2014 11:33

Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.
  • Anon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, keep it to yourself and don’t out them. IP tracking is off, and will remain that way.
  • Multiple fills are encouraged, and all kinds of fills are accepted! Fic, art, ( Read more... )
  • prompting: 35, prompt posts

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    Comments 7364

    Sherlock drugs Mycroft again (incest) anonymous March 30 2014, 18:50:23 UTC
    After hearing what Mycroft said to him while drugged during HLV, Sherlock decides to put Mycroft in that state again and see what he does. He has the mixture adjusted to put Mycroft into a similar state without actually knocking him out and slips it into his tea during a normal conversation.

    Confused and completely without a filter, Mycroft becomes really affectionate, letting it slip that he has been lonely without Sherlock around, trying to hug him like when they were children, etc.

    And then Sherlock discovers that Drugged!Mycroft is willing to do pretty much anything his little brother wants if he thinks it will make him happy...


    Re: Sherlock drugs Mycroft again (incest) anonymous March 30 2014, 23:22:20 UTC


    Re: Sherlock drugs Mycroft again (incest) anonymous March 31 2014, 23:22:56 UTC


    Re: Sherlock drugs Mycroft again (incest) anonymous April 1 2014, 19:58:41 UTC


    Lestrade/Mycroft - Second Chances TW: Child-abuse, Drug OD vinib March 30 2014, 18:52:17 UTC
    Inspired by a Mystrade story I read a while back, because I didn't like the ending ( ... )


    221_bee May 21 2014, 03:02:47 UTC


    Johnlock, Saying the wrong name during sex anonymous March 30 2014, 20:06:30 UTC
    Mary is gone, Sherlock and John get together. It's Sherlock's first sexual relationship and he is overjoyed that his love is returned, he finally has the man he wants, but for those reasons, he's also emotionally vulnerable.

    Then John calls him "Mary" in the heat of passion.

    Angst . . . maybe a happy ending when John suitably makes it up to him?


    No anonymous March 30 2014, 23:37:32 UTC
    It had been over a year. The grief he felt was all encompassing, deeper than when he thought Sherlock gone. John knew that he should give it time, he gave Sherlock time ( ... )


    No 2/ anonymous March 31 2014, 00:21:13 UTC
    "It won't be a betrayal. You are the most faithful man I know. You're bi. She understood our relationship, and she would feel nothing but happiness to know that-"

    John threw the mug "what, that we slept together? That I miss it. That I miss her so much I can feel it? I won't do that to you. Or to her."

    Sherlock turned his head "I want it though." He stepped forward and brushed his fingers through John's hair. "You won't be betraying her. You know that."

    John lowered his head. At first it was just small tears. They turned into choking sobs.

    Sherlock knelt down and held John. Half an hour later, John leaned back, pulled a tissue from his trouser pocket and wiped his face and nose clean. "Not very romantic."

    Sherlock grinned "have I ever seemed one to want romance?"

    John shook his head, let Sherlock pull him from the floor and followed Sherlock into his room.


    No 3/ anonymous March 31 2014, 00:42:12 UTC
    The sex was fantastic ( ... )


    Complications H/C, non-con anonymous March 30 2014, 20:37:28 UTC
    Sherlock gets called onto a kidnapping case that leads to a rather massive trafficking ring.
    Like himself, he goes in alone and probably gets overwhelmed by the gang.

    They don't believe that Sherlock isn't a cop, but instead they decide maybe this "pretty boy"/"pretty girl" will make them some money.

    Sherlock eventually fights his way out/ is rescued.
    Most of those in charge of this ring are arrested.

    What follows is the court case and Sherlock has to deal with the fact that the children being scared/hurt disturbed him as well as his own suffering.

    Lots of comfort from John and difficulty with testifying after a traumatic event.


    Complications Part 1 anonymous July 20 2014, 00:39:29 UTC
    ((I know this is an old prompt now but hopefully someone will read and enjoy anyway. :D ( ... )


    Re: Complications Part 2 anonymous July 20 2014, 00:40:34 UTC
    "Carruthers. Martin Carruthers, look on the VIP list." He tried not to be too irritated at how long the stocky bouncer took to find the name out of a relatively short list. Eventually the man gave a gruff nod and lifted the rail to allow him through however, and Sherlock slipped past with an air of haughty confidence that would befit the stature of the man who’s name he routinely borrowed. He left his distinctive coat and scarf at the desk, figuring they cut a far too easily recognisable silhouette and you could never be too careful. Not that he anticipated trouble.. it was just good practice to never take anything for granted ( ... )


    Re: Complications Part 3 anonymous July 20 2014, 00:42:50 UTC
    Being scrutinised by piercing gazes of blue and green didn’t strike him as odd given the circumstances. The smirk on his targets face did, but he was too slow to react as he was suddenly seized from behind and smashed face first into the table with hulking force. He hadn’t heard so much as a whisper of cloth to warn him of anyone sneaking up behind him, yet he could tell by the breadth of the calloused hands at his wrists and neck that their owner must be huge. Could it be that he’d actually switched off? Surely nobody would have taken him unaware had he been paying the proper amount of attention to his surroundings. Had he been.. cocky ( ... )


    Mycroft has drinking issues anonlock March 30 2014, 20:42:47 UTC
    Mycroft is dependent on alcohol. Needs it in his system to function. Drinks it like water. But he mostly hides it well and Sherlock hates him for it.

    Then one day Lestrade finds out--it tips the the balance Of power in their dynamic.

    Mycroft does not know how to handle Lestrade's attention and his obvious worry.

    Eventual Mystrade please!


    Re: Mycroft has drinking issues anonlock April 27 2014, 11:07:33 UTC
    Hi OP,
    I just wanted to let you know that I am writing a fill for your prompt at the moment. I hope to finish the fic in a week or so (it is already 8000+ words long). This prompt really fired me up and I went wild with it! Maybe at times, it is a bit fluffy, but I hope you will enjoy it nevertheless.
    So see you in a couple of weeks. :)


    FILLED: Restore Us To Sanity Part 1/? anonlock May 3 2014, 00:24:42 UTC
    I really hope you enjoy this, OP! Sorry if there are any mistakes in it, it is unbeta-ed, I will update it once I manage to get it beta-ed, I just don't see that happening anytime soon... so there ( ... )


    Re: FILLED: Restore Us To Sanity Part 2/? anonlock May 3 2014, 00:26:59 UTC
    ‘Oy-oy, careful there!’ Lestrade shouts as he grabs his arm to stabilise him. Strange. Mycroft had not even noticed that he was there. He tries to scramble away, but he is too weak to succeed. To his utter mortification, he starts to retch. He dry-heaves, mostly, but he can smell the reek of the whisky from the night before. Some of the vomit lands on Lestrade’s shoe rather inelegantly. Mycroft would like to be swallowed by the ground, or shrivel up, crawl into a hole and die, not necessarily in that order. But he knows he can’t disappear ( ... )


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