Prompting Part XXXV

Mar 30, 2014 11:33

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  • prompting: 35, prompt posts

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    Omega!Sherlock is proud of his Alpha!John anonymous March 30 2014, 16:59:02 UTC
    I imagine there's this sort of unspoken contest between omegas. It's common for them to brag about certain aspects of their alphas to try to show up other omega (a bit like stereotypical housewives).

    "My alpha just bought us that new tv set we've been eyeing."

    "My alpha's so virile, we just found out we're having twins!"

    When Sherlock and John get together, Sherlock is so proud of John that (even though he hates the idea of the competition and finds the other omegas tedious) he finally joins in but (in usual Sherlock fashion) chooses the oddest things to brag about.

    "John produces [high but realistic for an alpha] CCs of semen when he ejaculates, even when I'm outside of heat."

    "John's knot expands to [number] millimeters which is perfect considering [number + 2 or 3] is the number of millimeters he could expand to without actually damaging me."

    "John's semen contains [high number of an alpha] [whatever measurement sperm counts are measured in]."

    Every time he brags, people are shocked to silence because they aren't quite sure how to react. Sherlock takes this to mean he's won.

    TL;DR - Omegas commonly brag about their alphas when they get together. Sherlock and John get together and Sherlock chooses slightly inappropriate (but very Sherlock-like) things to brag about. People are shocked to silence, Sherlock takes this to mean he's won.


    anonymous April 1 2014, 13:55:56 UTC
    . . . oh, I want this. Adorable. XD


    generalbutton April 4 2014, 15:20:30 UTC
    i need dis


    Re: Omega!Sherlock is proud of his Alpha!John scandalousminds May 2 2014, 20:47:33 UTC


    Re: Omega!Sherlock is proud of his Alpha!John anonymous May 2 2014, 20:55:33 UTC
    Oh this could be so fun! Yes!


    Re: Omega!Sherlock is proud of his Alpha!John anonymous May 3 2014, 00:05:05 UTC
    "Every time he brags, people are shocked to silence because they aren't quite sure how to react. Sherlock takes this to mean he's won."

    I just can't stop giggling, this is so Sherlock haha!t combine it with this

    I might write this... not promising, but if i do thinking I can combine it with an older, similar promt ive been meaning to do for a while; Sherlock being all smug about being in a relationship, when no-one thought he ever would be


    Re: Omega!Sherlock is proud of his Alpha!John anonymous September 7 2014, 13:36:04 UTC
    I'll try but give me time. Whenever I fill something I do it during my commute from home to college to work and back. So I don't have hours to spend On it every day. Plus I have to do it On an iPhone. Just saying it will take time.


    Minifill pt 1 anonymous September 8 2014, 11:26:23 UTC
    Just when he thinks he heared it all , he hears:"John we need to have your sperm tested!!!"

    He puts his newspaper aside, takes a deep breath while pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm sure my sperm is just fine sherlock".
    "Just fine wil not suffice John! I need data! Anderson and Donovan have been to a reproductive clinic. Her spermcount is 3.8 John! 3.8!" Sherlock exclaims with dramatic handgestures to support his indignation. "If She's a 3.8 you have to atleast be a 4. I told them there is no chance your spermcount is lower than that of people who should be forbidden to breed"

    John smiles, so that's what this is about. An omega bragging contest. "Sorry I didn't inform you of my spermcount before we got together" he says, not even trying to hide The sarcasm in his voice. "Can't win them all ey?"

    Sherlock huffs " don't be ridiculous John. Ofcourse I can. I might not know your spermcount ...yet. But I know your penissize and that is well on top of the Bell curve. They were quite envious when I informed them you are atleast two inches longer. And after I mentioned The with of your knot they knew they were defeated."

    "I should also inform you Gregson and his aplpha aquired a new dryer." Well that seems surprisingly harmless to John and he moves to pick up his newspaper. But his hand stops in midair when he hears: "so I told him about the time you fucked me against our dryer and the dual stimulation of the vibrations and your cock in my ass made me come screaming. Their dryer is completely wrong for it. Not nearly high enough. Inferiour." Sherlock moves his hand trough the air asif he's trying to remove an annoying bug as he flops down on the sofa

    And there's my train. More to come. Laterz


    Re: Minifill pt 1 anonymous September 8 2014, 12:03:14 UTC
    Haha! I like this!


    Re: Minifill pt 2 anonymous September 8 2014, 17:40:48 UTC
    "Who...erm...who else have you been talking to?" John hopes he doesn't sound quite as apprehensive as he feels.

    Another sigh, another twirl of his hand and finaly sherlock deigns to answer. "If you're going to ask me boring questions about Lestrade just do so John. Don't enquire in this tedious roundabout way. But if you must know yes he was there, yes I solved his case and yes, I was perfectly pleasent." Now there's a lie if ever John heared one. He loves his sherlock dearly but pleasent is not the first word that comes to mind to describe him.

    "What did you say? What did you say to get under his skin? And don't even pretend you didn't" John scolds. "Did you mention your brothers diet again?" Sherlock can't quite mask the little almost smile on his lips. " I merely advised him to cut sugar and fat from Mycrofts diet. He's been gaining weight again. Besides, if they are ever going to start a family mycroft needs to maximise both quality and quantity of his semenproduction. Sugar and junkfood are negative influences. They can't all be gushers like you."
    At the look of Johns mortified face sherlock added "he might have said to never mention my brothers semen again" something John whole heartedly agrees to. "But he walked away eventualy and that's all that matters. I won"

    John began to wonder what made his usual antisocial boyfriend so talkative allof a sudden. Than he remembered : omega pissing contest. He rubbes his hands on his face. How much worse could this get? "Anyone else?" And he did not just squeek thank you very much.

    "Just that annoying barista that kept hitting on you and misses Hudson"


    Re: Minifill pt 2 anonymous September 9 2014, 06:17:19 UTC
    :D Lol, poor John and the other Alphas involved in this contest.


    Re: Minifill pt 2 anonymous September 9 2014, 07:34:05 UTC
    =P Sherlock always comes up with something crazy.
    more please!


    Re: Minifill pt 3 anonymous September 9 2014, 19:24:29 UTC
    John groans. Not misses Hudson. He can barely look her in the eye since they started shagging and sherlock turned out to be a very loud moaner. Ofcourse sherlock, the freaking picture of innosence, gleefully continues. "She asked if we would mind using the upstairs bedroom from now on. But I made it quite clear to her that it's simpely not possible if you are to indulge my military kink correctly. "

    "And the barista?" John asks as he wonders where to get his coffee now.
    "It seems she has a new espressomaker" sherlock mumbles from behind his magazine".
    John can only wonder in frustration how that conversation went. "And?? What about the damned espressomaker? Am I hotter? Do I have a bigger nuzzle? Do I produce more fluid? Did you compare the taste to that of my semen? What? WHAT?"

    With a sigh sherlock puts his magazine down. "It's red John. It clashes with their wallpaper."

    John stares at him with his moutj open and hopes he hasn't given him any ideas.

    The end


    Re: Minifill pt 3 anonymous September 10 2014, 03:05:21 UTC
    Ahaha! The ending is absolutely precious. :D


    Re: Minifill pt 3 anonymous September 10 2014, 07:57:44 UTC


    Prompt anonymous March 16 2015, 06:34:17 UTC
    John and Moriarty Fanfic. One shot ok, hoping for a link to long story development.

    Mortuary is obsessed with John. He takes an interest in him. He decides to send Sherlock on a wild goose chase and kidnaps John. He loves John and wants John to love him. Although he isn't afraid of taking what he wants. He also isn't afraid of putting John in his "place"
    John isn't a lot smaller than him. Moriarty is just overall more dominating. Eventually whether or not Sherlock returns they develop a routine.
    In this world men can get preg
    Morosely tries to get John pregnant, but John made sure he wasn't until moriarty caught him, and forced the pregnancy to take. John has the baby and moriarty is happy. They develop a routine again. Until something happens. Don't want the child to die tho. You can make it any way for the reason of his obssesion with John. In the beginning or end of the story can you put FILLED FOR W.E.S so I know, if not that's fine would just appreciate it.

    Ps. If I didn't post right or gave to much direction for a prompt sorry! This was my first time.


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