prompting part XXIII

Dec 25, 2011 21:12

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Prompts from this post can be filled on the Overflow Post

IMPORTANT! Spoilers for aired episodes are now being allowed on this area of the meme, without warning. If you do not want to encounter spoilers, please prompt at our Spoiler-Free Prompt Post.

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prompting: 23, prompt posts

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warning for torture, Mycroft!Whump anonymous January 3 2012, 01:28:16 UTC
After the 007 Plane Thing fails, Mycroft is in Very Big Trouble with his superiors (his "Masters" as Irene says). When he gets dumped on Sherlock's doorstep, bloodied and broken, Sherlock finally understands the seriousness of his accidental security breach.


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 4/? anonymous January 8 2012, 04:55:23 UTC
I'm blushing :3 thank you so much! Clearly I will have to aim to actually make you you miss a bus entirely

seriously though, I'm really really glad you like the tying-in with the pirate thing, I just thought the little face Mycroft pulled after he said it was so cute and wistful and heartbreaking ♥

More will be up soon!


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 4/? anonymous January 7 2012, 22:32:06 UTC
Oh hell. This is marvelous. Moriarty playing 'appreciative audience' is perfect and I love the detail of the pirate story being a goodbye.


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 4/? anonymous January 8 2012, 04:57:54 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad people like the pirate thing :3 and Moriarty ~would appreciate watching Mycroft get whumped probably a little too much... :/


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 4/? anonymous January 7 2012, 23:10:14 UTC
More, more, more!!!


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 4/? anonymous January 8 2012, 05:00:16 UTC
More is coming! I promise! ♥


It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 5/? anonymous January 8 2012, 07:37:14 UTC
Sherlock is seventeen and Mycroft is twenty five, and he is watching Sherlock wake up. His brother isn't in good shape; pale, hollow-eyed, far thinner than when Mycroft saw him last, and he didn't think that was possible. Sherlock groans and shifts, flinching a little when he meets the resistance of crisp white sheets tucked gently around him. He sits up with a jerk. He looks lost, and he looks angry. His eyes land on Mycroft, sitting motionless opposite, the chair as unremarkable and clean as the rest of the room ( ... )


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 6/? anonymous January 8 2012, 07:38:23 UTC
"Is he-" It's barely audible ( ... )


It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 7/? anonymous January 8 2012, 15:34:27 UTC
Sherlock is eighteen and Mycroft is twenty six, and it is the fifth time that he has simply walked out of rehab. Mycroft reassures a particularly distressed nurse that she is not to blame. Neither state-of-the-art video systems nor the more traditional burly orderlies have ever stopped Sherlock before; this is to be expected. People do take things so personally ( ... )


It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 8/? anonymous January 8 2012, 15:36:37 UTC
"Stay out of my business, Sherlock," Mycroft whispers, eyes narrow. "Stop right now." John is lost. Sherlock plows on.

"Stay out? Yes, yes, stay away Sherlock, keep out Sherlock," he repeats, high-pitched and mocking. "It's your people! Your own people! And you'd nod while I spin some nonsense about terrorist kidnapping and then hand yourself straight back to them rather than stay here and accept my help! Is there anything you wouldn't do to keep me at arms length?"

"Of course there isn't!" Mycroft yells back, voice breaking on the words. "You're-" He stops too late. He doesn't have to fill in the unspoken words. Nobody does.

you're my brotherJohn's eyes are on Sherlock's face and he sees the exact moment everything clicks in to place ( ... )


It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 8 2012, 15:40:03 UTC
Mycroft closes his eyes in surrender. "No, I wouldn't." He looks utterly exhausted. John's had time to get used to Sherlock with his guard down; in Mycroft, it's still a frighteningly strange thing. "In any case, I'm not sure where your criminal friend came in to it. I wasn't entirely in control of my senses, at the end." He frowns a little, as if a though has only just occured. "And now no doubt he will hold this over you. Forgive me."

Sherlock's lips part a little, involuntarily, before he presses them together and swallows back whatever it is he was going to say. And that, if nothing else, is enough proof to John that he's not the only one to find it hilariously, tragically ironic that Mycroft can lie there and apologise"Go to sleep," Sherlock says, and John realises that at some point, his hand came to rest on his brother's. "When you wake up, we can make plans ( ... )


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 8 2012, 16:05:57 UTC
Oh, my heart. When Irene mentioned about the Masters, my mind went to similar places too. This is deliciously heart-wrenching and very in character. An alternative answer to the question about the identity and the extent of the capability of the Masters that even Mycroft Holmes has to answer to... Now more please!


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 10 2012, 12:30:53 UTC

Thank you so much! Especially for saying that it's in character, that means a lot! ♥ Especially with two such tricky boys as the Holmes brothers.

More coming! Hopefully really soon, sorry, work is getting in the way


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 8 2012, 18:27:05 UTC
Wow, this is excellent! Mycroft is perfect in it, always protecting Sherlock.


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? anonymous January 10 2012, 12:32:22 UTC

Thanks so much! This is definitely all my Mycrift mind-canon let run riot... ♥


Re: It's Going To Take A Lot To Drag Me Away From You, Fill 9/? obscuriglobus January 11 2012, 12:17:01 UTC
Lovely work :)


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