The boat party went very well indeed, with hardly any outrageous behaviour at all, despite all of my colleagues getting pretty hammered on beer, Jack Daniels, shots and the like - as far as I know, two of them (Mark and Dave) are still pissing it up in the local Chicago Rock Cafe as I type this
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Comments 23
Not long after I started my latest job, I had a hard night and so finished it off with a pint of Bass Top to wind down. I drank it pretty quickly then chatted for maybe 20 mins and then left.
I got pulled for enthusiastic driving and was breathalised. I was under the limit, but at that point my blood alcohol was at it's highest. Images of me getting drink driving on my record and never ever ever again having a personal license were flashing before my eyes.
Now if I drink before I leave work, I do it whilst I'm still working, an hour or more before I finish (while I'm totting up crap in the office) and it'll only be a pint of shandy at worst, usually though I stick with J20 topped up with lemonade :)
What's a personal license?
A license to sell Alcohol. Ordinarilly you need a completely clean Criminal Record to get one, although obviously some offences won't matter. Ones that mean you'll never get one ever though are:
Drug dealing
Drink driving
Kiddy fiddling
Did they let you keep the mouthpiece as a souvenier? :P I've lost mine from when I was breathalysed ages ago.Like yourself I blew a zero reading and was also on my way home from a christmas party,but I hadn't drunk a drop being 17 at the time!
Even the officer said "I know from experience that your sober, but we have to do this"
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