The Untitled Adventures of my Knights & Necromancers

Oct 13, 2008 23:11

What It's All About

I have been working on this canon in bits and pieces, as time and inspiration will permit,
for a number of years now, and the characters, plot, and ways in which I wish to present things
tend to shift over time. I do not remove pieces, as I consider them to be a part of the
evolutionary process of the work as a whole, so pieces within the index below may include
contradictory or outdated material. I am working to build a finalized canon which will be posted
here as portions of it are completed.

Spoiler Tags
The plot and characters are continually evolving, the story spans a long timeframe, and I am not
the most regular of posters. To help clarify contradictions, fill in missing information, and
provide an easier way to reference information from old pieces, I have included notes.
These are hidden behind spoiler tags at the beginning of the relevant sections.

(Whipped Cream)

stories from the characters' childhoods

Main Canon

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Odds & Ends
(Butterscotch, Caramel & Milkshakes)
stories from before and after canon, poetry and comics, and knight and necromancer fanfiction

Chopped Nuts
non-canon stuff

Art Gallery

Dark Ritual - Kairn
Smoke and Mirrors - Sethan
Eye of the Beholder - Reida

Fire & Ice - Lyssa
Regenerate - Rune
Law & Order - Ski
In the Blink of an Eye - Tristan

Ward of Lights - Roul
Twists & Turns - Berwyk

Aether Storm - Mara
Speak of the Devil - Shamino

Around the Campfire
Sugar & Spice
Lemon Chiffon Binge (Rune/Lyssa)
Pink Lemonade Binge (Kairn/Lyssa)
Peaches & Cream Binge (Tristan/Ski)
Have I Ever Steered You Wrong?
Bright Lights and Cityscapes (Kairn/Sethan)
Feast or Famine
On & Off

❖ ❖ Ties That Bind
Cranberry Binge
Cherry Vanilla Binge

Peanut Butter


writing, runaway tales

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