"Vanity Fair" [Steve/Toni, NC-17]

Jun 04, 2012 10:12

Kinkmeme fill: Steve/girl!Tony, dealing with her sexual history.

Title: "Vanity Fair"
Author: shawarmabums
Universe: Movie, but with Earth 3490 twist
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Toni Stark
Characters: Toni, Steve, Bruce, Natasha, Clint
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,216
Genre: Genderswap, smut
Bonus: A little background sketch on my Toni, who was initially inspired by this prompt but has taken on a life of her own. In my headmovie, she's played by Winona Ryder. :3

Toni slouched towards the kitchen in bare feet and her customary tank top and sleep shorts, reminding herself that every step was one step closer to coffee. The Avengers -- minus Thor, who had beamed up to Asgard for king-duty -- were finishing up breakfast, lazily passing a magazine around the table.

“Well if it isn’t our Weapon of Mass Seduction,” Clint said.

“That pun’s been done,” said Toni as she poured her coffee into a Stark Industries mug and grabbed a powdered donut from the box on the counter.

“Well, now it’s been done again,” Natasha said flatly. She held up the latest Vanity Fair.

“That’s out already?” Toni sauntered over to the table to have a look.

Natasha rose, pushed in her chair, and handed Toni the magazine. “I’m going to work out. Nice pullquote.” Then she left the kitchen on silent cat feet, looking over her shoulder at Clint, who followed her without pushing in his chair or cleaning up his crumbs. Toni sat down next to Bruce and across from Steve, examining the magazine in her hand. The cover photo they’d gone with wasn’t her favorite of the shoot, but it wasn’t bad. Clad in a red-white-and-blue bikini and straddling a missile, she looked like a rebooted WWII pinup. Captain Rogers must have gotten a kick out of that. Toni Stark on being a Weapon of Mass Seduction: ‘If I were a man, you’d be over it.’

“Well, it’s better than ‘The Thinking Man’s Paris Hilton.’ That’s gonna be a hard one to top.” She slurped her coffee and squinted at the picture again. “Have I been airbrushed?”

“Did Fury know you were doing an interview?” Bruce asked into his Cheerios.

“I’ve been doing interviews for years,” Toni said between bites of donut. “Interviewers, too.”

“He charged me with handling the Avengers press,” said Steve. “And I’m beginning to see why.”

“This wasn’t about the Avengers,” Toni replied. “It was about me. They’re still all in a tizzy about the suit being too macho and whether or not guys still like my boobs now that they come with a built-in night light.” She tapped the arc reactor peeking out from the neckline of her tank top. “Believe, me I’d rather have talked about the good things I -- we -- did during the invasion, but that’s what you’re for, Cap. Right?” She put her hand on Bruce’s shoulder. “Bruce gets this too, the freak show treatment. Cap gets the heroics.”

“They did want to know about the nuke,” Bruce reminded her.

“Well, duh. Only after they’d grilled me about the Morocco incident. The double standard’s getting really old.”

Steve’s eyes narrowed. “So your answer is to spit in its face?”

“In my defense, I really did think it was a topless beach. French was never my best subject.” She thought she heard Bruce stifle a chuckle, but Steve was not amused.

“Well, speaking of beachwear,” the Captain said, grabbing the magazine, “I’m not fond of your choice of pattern.”

“Just showing a little love for the home turf, Cap,” Toni grinned. “Think of it as an homage.” She began whistling the refrain from the Star Spangled Man jingle.

Steve’s finger made a loud thwack as it hit the cover. “This isn’t exactly the image I want to be associated with.”

“No?” Tony pointed to her actual, non-airbrushed boobs. “No te gusta? Well, you’re alone there, Cap. Night light or no.”

Steve’s glass of orange juice looked like it might shatter in his hand. “You know, in my day, a woman like you was called a tramp.”

Toni smirked. “Lots of female tech pioneers running around in the forties, were there?”

“I should go,” Bruce mumbled.

“Hey now,” Toni pouted, grabbing his arm. “Stay. Have a donut.”

Bruce shook his head. “Nah, I’m gonna let you two play Generation Gap. I’ve got research. And donuts...I can’t, the sugar crash...”

“Fine,” Toni sighed. “And then there were two.” She turned back to Steve, who still bristled with indignation. She leaned forward on the table, resting her chin atop her interlaced fingers. “Breaking news, Cap: in my day, a woman like me is still called a tramp. Watch me care.”

“Well, if you’re going to be a hero, you might want to consider how you present yourself off the field.”

“You should’ve seen me ten years ago,” Toni scoffed. “Believe it or not, I’ve calmed down quite a bit. Hell, when Paris came on the scene they called her the dumb man’s Toni Stark.”

Something in Steve’s jaw twitched. “You have no shame, do you?”

“What exactly do you think should I be ashamed of?”

“Of throwing yourself at men willy nilly and then tossing them away like yesterday’s paper! It’s not moral, it’s not even attractive, and you’ll end up--”

“What?” She fixed him in her gaze. “End up what?”


“Good,” Toni said, swilling back coffee. “That’s the plan.”

Steve looked genuinely shocked. “You don’t want to get married?”

“To you?” Toni almost spit out her coffee laughing. “Oh honey, I’m not that easy. Better find another way into my panties, tactics man.”

Steve’s face flushed. “I - I didn’t mean -- I don’t -- not ever?”

“Well, not now, certainly. And now’s kinda what matters, seeing as we’re in a pretty high-risk line of work.” She licked the last of the powdered sugar from her fingers. “But hey, Dad got married, for better or worse, and he was as incorrigible as me. You liked him fine.”

“That’s different.” Steve’s anger was morphing into frustration. “It’s...it’s not the same.”

“Yes! It is!” she insisted, waving her hands. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say, Steve! That’s the whole point of that quote on the cover. It shouldn’t be different. Look, you don’t have to respect me --”

“You don’t respect yourself!”

“Bullshit!” Toni slammed her fist down on the table.“I built my suit out of self respect. I repurposed my whole company out of self-respect. I felt ashamed when I realized the epic shit storm my weapons had caused, but I sure as hell don’t feel ashamed about what I’ve chosen to do with my body. I respect myself by doing exactly what my self wants, which is to fuck. Safely, consensually, and frequently. You should try it.”

Steve’s cheeks were pink, and he looked away. “It’s not that I...don’t respect you.”

“Oh, so this was all what? Debate practice?”

“I want to respect you, Toni. You really put your life on the line for the team -- I was wrong about that before -- you’re brave and you’re brilliant, and...I want to respect you, but I just can’t quite reconcile...I know times have changed since I was brought up, but I also know I’m not the only one who --”

“Listen up, Yankee Doodle.” Toni jumped to her feet. “All this?” She gestured up and down her body. “Mine. You’re all about freedom, right? Then put this in your peace pipe and smoke it: there are countries out there where women get forced to marry their rapists, and brides get sent back to their families when they don’t stain their husbands’ sheets on their wedding night. That’s what’s immoral. Not one-night stands and fuck-me pumps and Planned Parenthood.”

“Planned --”

“Never mind.” Toni rolled her eyes. “Maybe you’re just not going to get it. Maybe America’s golden boy will just end up alienating a massive demographic of liberated, educated American women who don’t want to be told what to do with their own bodies, and Fury will regret letting you do all the press. I expected better from you.”

Steve was quiet. She’d shut him up. She drained the last of her victory coffee and got up to refill her mug.

“You really aren’t ashamed,” he realized, looking over his shoulder at her.

“Nothing shameful about freedom,” she replied. Then, instead of sitting down, she passed behind Steve and dipped down to kiss him on the lips, which still tasted pleasantly like ham and eggs. He tensed, and though he didn’t exactly kiss back, he didn’t push her away, either. Toni let her lips linger there just long enough before sauntering off towards the hall, coffee in hand.

She didn’t get far. Steve grabbed her wrist and pulled her back towards him, eyes ripe with want. Toni’s coffee splashed onto the tile, and Steve wrested the mug from her and set it aside.

“You want it, huh?” he asked under his breath, pulling her in hard for another kiss. She’d forgotten how tall he was; he had to lean back on the edge of table so she could reach. This time he really was kissing her, wetly, fiercely. His hand still gripped her arm like a shackle, his other wound about her waist. Shit he was strong. Aggression hummed in every twitch of his muscles -- he was still mad at her, and he was also horny as hell. Toni nearly laughed -- this was Captain America; he couldn’t possibly be such an easy target. He must have wanted her for awhile now and just hadn’t able to stomach her track record. No wonder it bothered him so much. She stroked his impossibly perfect chest through his tight white T-shirt. The strap of her tank top slid off her shoulder of its own accord, and Steve’s lips trailed down her neck to the line of her collarbone.

Toni tilted her head back as Steve sucked a mark onto her skin. “What was that about women like me not being attractive?”

“I’m not sure there are any women like you,” Steve said, reclaiming her lips. Toni slipped her hand underneath Steve’s shirt, relishing the tight, firm contours of his abs, the smooth expanse of his back. His body was so warm, probably due to that enhanced metabolism, and so frighteningly flawless. The sound he made when she tweaked his nipple could only be called a squeak, and this time Toni couldn’t keep the smirk off her face even as she kissed him. Steve was practically sitting on the table now, and Toni was practically in his lap. His hand was slowly creeping up her ribcage, and she nudged it towards her breast. Hesitantly, he let his palm slide up over her curves, brushing his thumb over the bump of her nipple peeking through the fabric. She never bothered with bras before coffee, and she was soft and yielding as he squeezed her a little harder. She nipped at his throat playfully and slipped her hand down to fondle the impressive bulge in his pants. “Mmm, Toni,” he moaned, rolling both her tits in his hands.

“Come upstairs,” Toni whispered in his ear, letting her tongue dance along its edge.

Steve nodded, and this time it was Toni pulling his arm, glancing back at him triumphantly. They fell into the elevator, lips and hands all over each other. Neither of them noticed when they stopped early at Natasha’s floor, or when the door opened onto Natasha and Clint.

“You were right, Nat,” Clint said after the door had closed again and the elevator continued its ascent. “I confess I did not see that coming.”

“I did,” said Natasha. “Last Thursday.”

When they reached Toni’s floor and made it to the bedroom, she pulled Steve onto her king-sized bed and immediately peeled off his t-shirt. “Jesus Christ,” she said, marveling at his muscles and radiant skin. “I fucking love science.” She pushed him down onto the mattress and straddled him, dropping kisses all down his chest and abs. Steve reached out and grabbed the edge of her tank top, tugging her forward until her top slipped over her head. She laughed and kissed him on the mouth, and his hands roamed over her breasts, down her back and along her thighs, up under the hem of her little blue shorts. Toni caressed his gorgeously muscled shoulders. Though she’d slept with athletes, actors, and underwear models, there was something extra special about Steve’s body. That included his hands, so strong and warm as they fanned out over her skin.

His fingers wandered back up to her chest and hesitated at the edge of the arc reactor. “May I?” he asked, and she thought it both ironic and logical that for this he would suddenly ask permission. She nodded. “Sure. It’s safe.”

His finger traced the bright metal rim. “Beautiful,” he said. He looked into her eyes, his own glowing extra blue with the pale reactor light. “You’re beautiful.”

“Thanks,” Toni said, and it sounded strange, like it was the wrong answer. She wondered if good manners were a sexually transmitted disease. She turned her attention to his gray sweatpants, which would have been the very opposite of sexy on anyone but Steve. “My turn,” she said as she pulled them down to reveal a pair of navy blue boxers. “My turn again,” she declared, and those came off too. Steve had basically gone into perma-blush mode, and he didn’t flinch when the air hit his rock-hard cock. Toni couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen a dick that genuinely impressed her, but Steve’s did. It wasn’t just huge; it was elegant in a way that matched the graceful bulk of the rest of him. He moaned lowly as she stroked it with deft fingers, astounded at its heat and deeply craving its fullness. “Dear god, you’re unfair,” she said, pulling off her own shorts, and Steve stared at the panties she wore underneath.

“Red and gold?” he shook his head incredulously.

She nodded. “I themed my whole lingerie drawer after I came out. Everyone gets such a kick out of it.”

Steve rolled Toni over onto her back and rubbed the red satin, already moist with want. “You’re so full of yourself.”

“I’d rather be full of this,” she replied, giving his cock a few good pumps.

“I’m still admiring you,” he said, and she realized that he really was a virgin -- he had that teenage wonder in his eyes as he pushed the shiny fabric aside and slipped a finger between her folds. Toni moaned as he probed inside her, curious and hungry. Steve probably had no idea what a clit even was, but she didn’t care; they could save Jedi Training for later. She’d been wet since the kitchen, and even just his finger inside her felt divine, making her more impatient than ever. When he slipped it out, she sat up and rifled through the nightstand drawer, making sure Steve got an eyeful of all the sizes and textures and flavors of condoms she had on hand. “This one looks Captain-caliber,” she said, tearing one open with her teeth. As she rolled it down his length, savoring every inch of him, she bit back the hoisting-the-flag joke on the tip of her tongue. She kicked the red and gold panties off onto the floor, wrapped her legs around Steve and drew him in towards her. He ran his broad hands up and down her thighs, almost lovingly. “Toni,” he murmured, soaking in the sight of her nude form, brushing his thumb over her neat little triangle of hair -- and then he plowed into her hard, and Toni didn’t know if he was too inexperienced to know his own strength, or if all that force was intentional. “Oh fuck!” she cried, as the aftershock of pleasure rippled through her core.

“Too much freedom for you?” he asked, thrusting into her once more with equal intensity.

“Are you kidding?” Toni panted, stunned and delighted. “Bring it on.”

He took her hard and fast, slamming her into the headboard that was padded just for that reason. Toni writhed and moaned beneath him, and as much as she wanted to watch every moment of Captain America losing his V-card, the sight of his beautiful face gone slack with pleasure and his rippling muscles looming over her was almost too much to bear. Steve’s cock was so big and so well aligned with her sweet spot that she was already having to mentally recite obscure physics formulas to keep from coming too soon. “Oh yes, Steve, oh yes, yes, fuck me,” she begged, and he fucked like he fought, relentless and precise. And if this was in fact a battle, she couldn’t name the winner, but she loved the result. Each driving thrust rattled and thrilled her; no normal virgin could fuck like this. She could no longer watch him, she could only hold on as long as she could as the mounting pleasure within her coiled tighter and tighter. “Steve...” she cried at last, trembling and clenching wet and tight around him, moaning shamelessly loud and incomprehensible as he continued to pound her. All went white, and Steve must have come soon after, because he was panting and sinking into the space at her side when the world stopped spinning.

Toni was spent; Steve looked satiated. She turned towards him, peeling the condom he seemed to have forgotten from his softening cock and tossing it aside. She wasn’t sure what to say to a man from the forties who had called her a tramp and then used her like one and yet still managed to be the sweetest, most noble creature she’d ever laid eyes on much less taken to bed. She just gazed at the softness of his eyelashes in the late morning light, the ripe peach glow of his skin, the delicious mess of his hair. He gazed back, a warm calm in the light blue eyes.

“Well,” she said finally, because if there was one thing Toni couldn’t stand it was silence, “how was it?”

“Pretty damn good,” Steve smiled. “Pretty damn good. Thank you.”

She smiled back and squeezed his bicep. “You’re welcome.” Toni wasn’t a cuddler, but Steve looked so damn cuddly lying there on her pillow, and she decided he was altogether way too much confusing for one morning. She sat up, looking around for her far-flung bits of clothing.

“Boy am I glad we had that spat this morning,” Steve added.

Toni stood up and found her panties. “I bet you are.”

“I swear I really didn’t plan to...”

“Me neither,” said Toni, pulling her top over her head with a sideways smile. “I mean, I used to dress up as you for Halloween.”

Steve grinned. “Oddly enough, I don’t wish you hadn’t said that.” He sat up, still beautifully naked. “You’re a special woman, Toni.”

She sat down next to him on the edge of the bed. “That’s your new word for it, huh?”

“The way you stood up for yourself? How proud and sincere you were? That’s what got me going, to be honest. You opened my eyes.”

Tony patted his thigh. “Mission accomplished. And then some.”

“It’s funny though,” Steve said, “I did always picture my first time being a bit...softer, more romantic.”

Toni brushed a strand of damp, blond hair back from his forehead and smiled. “Well, it is just the first time.” Then she kissed him just long enough, plopped his boxers in his lap, and headed towards the bathroom. If he heard her humming “Star Spangled Man” in the shower, so much the better.

steve/tony, au, steve/toni, toni stark, vanity fair

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