Update, kinda.

Apr 14, 2009 22:14

1) It's been quite a while since I last updated. Probably because I have been experiencing wave after wave of ( Read more... )

gender politics, random, school, rambling, driving, real life

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Comments 3

silverjedi April 14 2009, 23:13:25 UTC
SHANTARI!!!! XD *tackles* I missed you! LJ has become lonely! :(

2. I still don't have a job. >_< My uncle is looking for something, but I haven't heard back from him. I'm hoping to hear from him since last we talked I told him me and my mom were about ready to fight (and we were trying to avoid that).

I'm sure you'll be fine for school, bombed room or not. XD

3. *sobs with you* Life is so unfair. T_T

4. I know! I was just thinking about that today! People have this horrible expectation that woman have to look a certain way in order to get anything out of life. It's beyond stupid! To me, there's a difference in coming looking like you've just got out of bed and cleaning up and looking decent. The latter I do often and I rather not spend two and half hours every day making myself look like I've walked out of the cover of a magazine (or something to that effect)! *rolls eyes*

- Used to be that it was masculine to opnely weep, and a good woman kept her emotions to herself.
And yet if a woman does cry, she's weak or ( ... )


shantari April 19 2009, 17:00:03 UTC
2) I hope it goes well for you. Be proud that you have your degree, I still have yet to start on my engineering one. :)

4) I rather not spend two and half hours every day making myself look like I've walked out of the cover of a magazine (or something to that effect)!

I've tried the whole putting-on-some-make-up-every-day-like-everyone-else-my-gender-seemed-to-be-so-keen-on. Got annoying and pointless pretty quickly, my make-up skills didn't ammount to much more than mascara. The life-value-increase just couldn't match the time-cost, if there was any value-increase at all. And you know, I just remembered that I've been to parties where I was one of the only if not the only girl without make up, and no one could tell. I mean the whole point of make up is that no one is supposed to be able to tell if you have some on or not, in a brainbreaking kind of way.

When did that happen?Really early, I think. The written language was co opted by the Japanese during the Han-period, hence why the signs are called Kan-ji (ji = sign/symbol) in ( ... )


silverjedi April 19 2009, 21:48:43 UTC
2. Thanks. I'm actually more hopefully about this than I have ever been. If this turns out badly, I don't think I'll have any confidence left. :( Yeah, I'm glad I do have my degree and I'm sure you'll do fine with your engineering degree! ^_^

4. I've never learned the proper way to apply make-up, either, and I just don't want to learn. I'll never get it right and it really doesn't match the time-cost.

the whole point of make up is that no one is supposed to be able to tell if you have some on or not, in a brainbreaking kind of way.True. Another reason why I don't bother with it except on highly special occasions ( ... )


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