Update, kinda.

Apr 14, 2009 22:14

1) It's been quite a while since I last updated. Probably because I have been experiencing wave after wave of....

2) APATHY! Unemployment crisis, both for me personally and the city at large (due to SAAB being owned by GM and in serious shit since a while), also I've gotten sick a lot which have gotten in the way of me getting my usual exercise, and I also spent a week just getting dizzy spells due to something that came with me managing to get two bouts of colds in almost consecutive order. (I just had a week of having my period in between.) Panicking about getting everything in order to apply for studies this fall, getting financial support from the government and trying to get my driver's license before I start studying again. Wow, writing it all down, I do have a good excuse for why my room look like a bomb dropped down...

3) Well, now that my health is looking good again, and the applications for school are currently at some mail station/depot/room full of trained mail-sorting squirrels/whatever, I feel extremely relaxed. Had a million nightmares about not getting the application in on time, and thus most probably end up spending another year being unemployed and feeling bad about myself and my increasing age. Damn you society and all your expectations on what people (especially women) should be doing at a certain age!

4) I mean seriously, women my age or younger are stressing themselves out over having perfect grades, perfect looks and perfect manners. And then they don't get the good career because they're supposed to be unassuming to be good little women. I mean, when the hell did we go wrong with this? Feminism was supposed to bring about equal opportunities for women, so that we could get a career or do something that interested us and get payed for it just like the guys. Somewhere along the line we decided a good woman didn't "settle for being a housewife", but still "didn't end up imitating the boys". A woman has to have all the positive qualities associated with masculinity and feminity, in order to prove that women can too. While a guy still doesn't, and in fact shouldn't be "feminine".

Fuck, the definitions of feminity and masculinity aren't even a tenth as old as we think they are! Examples:

- Only in the middle of the 20th century did blue become a boy color and pink a girl color. (Seriously, look it up on da intarwebs.)
- Used to be that it was masculine to opnely weep, and a good woman kept her emotions to herself.
- Men, with their more advanced brains, were good at the difficult and important subjects like philosophy, language and rethorics. Women with their simpler brains should make do with mathematics.

Why can't we just redefine what masculinity and feminity is? Hell, we've obviously done it before? We didn't always have patriarchy. In the olden days matriarchies ruled supreme. Japan was a matriarchy before they decided that everything China did was cool, like subjugating women, using overly complex buearocracies, an alphabet dreamed up by a shaman on drugs... Okay, so maybe Japan has always had odd tastes in general. (*Note: I love Japanese and Chinese culture, but why the hell didn't Japan just skip on the more obvious flaws of Chinese culture? You don't have to adopt an entire culture and eradicate your own, to be able to enjoy the cooler parts of said culture.)

5) Note to self: Update my livejournal more often, otherwise I will constantly end up wondering how the hell I managed to drift out of orbit of the original topic.

6) Went to Gothcon this year too. Saw and played a really cool game called "Battlefleet Gothic". Writing it down to remember. Bought another munchkin game and coffeemug. Because that has become my tradition at Gothcon. (Ergo, done it both times I've been there, so I guess I'll end up doing it every year.) I love starting traditions.

7) Well, I'll see if I come up with something else for my next update. See ya!

gender politics, random, school, rambling, driving, real life

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