we may not both survive...

Dec 04, 2014 10:50

My mother was given a Chromebook/laptop for her new job. They have many nurses and aides so charting and making notes on patients is much easier if everyone can do so online. I know it's easier because my mom worked as an aide at a home health company way back when they were new and it was a bitch having to go into the office every time they were ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

angelskuuipo December 4 2014, 16:13:37 UTC
::pets you:: I'm sorry she's attacking you because she's insecure. Feel free to vent here all you need to. That's why we're here.

Would she use handwritten notes if you made her a cheat sheet? Since the same problems keep cropping up, maybe it could help?


shannon730 December 4 2014, 16:46:56 UTC
I've suggested it, but she doesn't want to. I even suggested just writing down her notes and I'll thoe them in at night because in spite of what she thinks I'm sure I can figure out the software they use in less time than it takes to help her do it by phone or text. She thinks Marisa is a better teacher so I suggested calling Marisa instead of me.


oreadno1 December 4 2014, 16:49:22 UTC
I know exactly where you're coming from! This is why I gave up trying to teach Beverly how to use the computer.



shannon730 December 4 2014, 20:26:02 UTC
it's awful isn't it? I personally love when I get blamed for what she did on the computer..


velvetwhip December 4 2014, 19:27:13 UTC
Oh god. That sounds like a complete nightmare and you have so much sympathy from me.



shannon730 December 4 2014, 20:27:58 UTC
It is. There are only so many ways to tell her how to use tabs. I mean, I taught myself how to use them, so did you, and everyone else I know since they're fairly new and none of us took a class.


velvetwhip December 4 2014, 20:29:38 UTC
They're not actually hard. *sigh*



thrace_adams December 5 2014, 01:00:41 UTC
Oh man I feel your pain. My stepmom seems to think I know everything there is to know and yet she always comes up with these things she WANTS to to and then I research & find out it cannot be done & she's like, well, why?

How frustrating for you to have to constantly teach her the same thing over and over.


shannon730 December 5 2014, 03:35:43 UTC
I always just do those kinds of things for her. It's less frustrating and will take half the time to do it myself than fo explain it to her ( ... )


thrace_adams December 5 2014, 16:54:02 UTC
Oh I totally get that, always easier to do it yourself.

Oh man /o\ that really sucks :(


snogged December 5 2014, 04:28:22 UTC
Sorry you have to deal with that!
It can be an Sisyphean climb trying to teach someone how to use a computer. You have my sympathies.

You may also want to check your local library. They sometimes offer 1:1 computer trainings for free.


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