we may not both survive...

Dec 04, 2014 10:50

My mother was given a Chromebook/laptop for her new job. They have many nurses and aides so charting and making notes on patients is much easier if everyone can do so online. I know it's easier because my mom worked as an aide at a home health company way back when they were new and it was a bitch having to go into the office every time they were sending you to a new house or someone called in and you picked up their patient for that day. They protect confidentially by locking patients from everyone's view except people assigned to that patient. Unfortunately it's only easier when you know how to use a computer. My mother still doesn't always remeber that she doesn't need to close the browser and reopen it when she wants to leave her email and go to a website. And she still thinks Safari is something different than google on her iPad and phone. Which means in the week she's been seeing patients I've heard the following, most multiple times.

* "they gave me a new tablet." "No not an iPad, this one is bigger and has an attached keyboard." --for the record I've had laptops for almost seven years and Michelle even longer, she's seen laptops before.

* they said I had to sign in to Google, but then said to put in my email nsme and password, I don't want them to see all my emails"-- she has no idea that Google and her email are the same. Or that her employers can't see her email just the nursing chart stuff.

* "why did you change the background!? They didn't tell me I could do that, I don't want to get in trouble." -- I changed it to a sunset from a sunrise. Both default Windows wallpapers.

* "I don't know what to do, I spelled a word wrong and they told me not to use back!" -- she thought they meant backspace not the back arrow for going back a page.

* "I hit enter and everything disappeared!" -- I've heard this more than I can count. Usually it's been a case of enter saving the file and giving you a new page for charting another visit to that patient. Just need to go into the main menu and find the 'missing' file.

* it won't log me in! I put in my password."-- problem here is 99% of the time she's put a password when it wanted a username..

* "the computer won't open, it says it can't open without the internet." --I still don't know what she did there. It let me log in to Windows just fine, not the internet until I put in the password.

All of this plus the long running problem of calling everything a text. Actual texts, facebook posts, Facebook private messages, and emails.

Of course we mustn't forget her thinking she's sending memes privately because she tagged the person she wanted to see it. You have no idea how many times I've explained this in the last two years.

Obviously, though I'm being an impatient bitch when I explain the SAME DAMN THINGS ten times in a week or sometimes in a day.

Also just being a bitch when I don't understand what she's talking about. She's using the wrong word and I'm the problem for thinking she was talking about something else entirely. Because Of course I should know she means a fscebook post when she says someone texted her.

And whenever something goes wrong and I ask what she did before it happened she starts crying and yelling at me for "blaming her" for it. No one is fucking blaming her but unless the computer, iPad, or phone acted spontaneously she did something that made it happen and I can't fix it if I don't know what made it disappear, shut down, etc. if she pressed the K key and the entire thing crashed I need to know this to fix it. It's not blame. If she took it to a computer repair place they will ask what she was doing when it happened as well.

So yeah, I'm in computer training hell. I should've got her a computer class for Christmas.
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