Dear Lee: Off Duff. Fax Out Work. Read. Write. RP.

May 21, 2007 18:14

This post is pre-recorded for your convenience, and has been cobbled together from Friday and also from stuff that happened today. Thus, it is the Post That Ate Suburbia and contains all kinds of boring minutiae about my boring life.

Like, for instance, this. )

vacation!, cat, writing, joy, books, anjie, movies, teh m0md0rk, taking care of business, language, raien, talyn, ashley, life, weekend

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Comments 13

duokinneas May 22 2007, 03:14:01 UTC
The sad thing is, when I smile, close-lipped, and try to keep it small, I tend to look like I'm smirking. In the bigger picture that my mom, pappy, and grandparents have, you can see that my mouth isn't quite so cranky. But in the wallets? I look like I might snarl. It's saddening to me; I thought it would turn out better. **shrugs**

I'm so glad you got the announcement, though, Lee! ^__^ I mean, I did not expect for one minute that you'd throw everything out the window and come over here for my high school graduation, but I thought that since I was sending them to some of my closest friends who aren't at Borah or in the Boise district, I had to send you an announcement. It wouldn't be right if I didn't!

♥ ♥ ♥


shake_the_stars May 22 2007, 12:32:58 UTC
I just realized that I now have two tags for you: "talyn" and the more squeeful "omg talyn". Clearly, you have reached a whole new level of specialness. ^_^

You look better than I ever do. I hate having my picture taken, and it shows. Generally, I try to give off this vibe like I'm going to eat the photographer's soul, but it never works. No, instead I usually get the, "Lee, smile!" treatment. I AM NOT GOING TO SMILE. YOU ARE POINTING A GODDAMN CAMERA AT ME. THIS IS NOT AN OCCASION FOR SMILING.

I also hope you weren't expecting a generous check, because the most I could do would be kind of stingy for a graduation. ^^; However, whenever I get paid, which should be aaaaanytime this week, perhaps I will be able to finally send you your Christmas presents. ME 4 WIN.

Hurrah for a graduating seahorse! And my favorite seahorse, at that. ♥ ♥ ♥


duokinneas May 27 2007, 05:26:58 UTC
I hope you don't think I was trying to get your money by sending that out to you! That wasn't what I intended; I seriously only meant those as the announcements that I think they are, and not as money-magnets. I think that only sending letters to people you want money from is so rude! I'd never do that to you! I l0ff you and I just had to be like, "OMG Lee would want one ( ... )


shake_the_stars June 4 2007, 16:38:56 UTC
Silly seahorse, that is not what I thought at all. I know you're not trying to get money out of me (and it's not like there's all that much to get, anyway). Like much else in life, I didn't know that I wanted a graduation announcement until I received it, and then I realized that obviously it was an absolute necessity.

"Lee and I fight, not Lee and me," Grammar Avenger Lee said, before lumbering away into the night.

As long as we're not Very Special, my dear. ^_-

You are my one and only seahorse. ^____^♥ Also, randomly, there are mailboxes in coastal Florida that are shaped like seahorses. Mom wouldn't stop so I could steal you one, though. T_T;


momo May 22 2007, 03:38:10 UTC


shake_the_stars May 22 2007, 12:40:40 UTC
Oh, there now. There will be other opportunities for you to be a pain in the spleen my speshful helper.


dethorats May 22 2007, 06:18:22 UTC
Ah University Libraries! I've had that experience myself once and then physically marched back to the stacks, found said book, and presented it to the desk clerk with a smug expression on my face. I dunno. Computer cataloguing is very useful in some ways but it fails pretty hard in others.

Have fun on your vacation!


forgottensanity May 22 2007, 07:04:25 UTC
Hurray, Postman Bob came through, for once! What exciting news! =P I want to see Shrek the Third, too, but it isn't in theatres until August. ;_;

Where are you going on holiday and why was I not invited? At least bring a voodoo head so I have some connection to our vacation.


shake_the_stars May 22 2007, 12:58:19 UTC
Perhaps Postman Bob is temporarily hospitalized and his sidekick, Mail Carrier Sven, is taking over for him. Sven seems to actually do his job when Bob isn't around.

I am going to Florida. You were not invited because you will not quit peeing on the furniture, and also I understand that cats do not particularly enjoy the beach (something about the water messing up their fur). However, if I can find an appropriately kitschy souvenir, I'll send you a special package. ^_-


forgottensanity May 22 2007, 13:13:51 UTC
Oh, I see.


Just because I wouldn't go is no reason not to invite me. ;_;

Oh sure, Sven delivers the post. You don't know what he does with it, only that it is not immediately noticeable.


shake_the_stars May 22 2007, 23:51:55 UTC
Well, kind of. We cunningly avoided actual spring-breakers, because they get drunk and sunburnt and obnoxious. ^_-

There is also your obdurate refusal to pee in the litterbox, rather than on the wing chairs, which was a contributing factor to my not inviting you.

I think I'd be happier if I didn't know what Sven does with it. that where that weird smell is coming from?


forgottensanity May 22 2007, 08:24:18 UTC
You know, I never realised that when you click on what you put in "location" it goes to google maps. I also did not know that Dork Tower is actually located in Columbia. Or possibly Arizona. The map is a little unspecific.


shake_the_stars May 22 2007, 23:46:55 UTC
It is a cunning ploy to throw my enemies off my track. :D


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