Dear Lee: Off Duff. Fax Out Work. Read. Write. RP.

May 21, 2007 18:14

This post is pre-recorded for your convenience, and has been cobbled together from Friday and also from stuff that happened today. Thus, it is the Post That Ate Suburbia and contains all kinds of boring minutiae about my boring life.

Like, for instance, this. )

vacation!, cat, writing, joy, books, anjie, movies, teh m0md0rk, taking care of business, language, raien, talyn, ashley, life, weekend

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duokinneas May 27 2007, 05:26:58 UTC
I hope you don't think I was trying to get your money by sending that out to you! That wasn't what I intended; I seriously only meant those as the announcements that I think they are, and not as money-magnets. I think that only sending letters to people you want money from is so rude! I'd never do that to you! I l0ff you and I just had to be like, "OMG Lee would want one!"

If I used tags, I'd probably give you, "lol it's Lee," then, "Lee and me fight," and just "Lee," all for the fun of it. **cackles** But we're both pretty damn special people, and I say that in the "special" = "fantastic, though weird" way.

I like posed photos. When people come up and say, "SMILE!" I usually can't muster a smile and I end up looking scared; sometimes, I get the half-cocked smile onto my face and the picture comes out hideous. When somebody says, "Move to your left...okay, now put your hand here...and smile for me!" that makes my life easier. Otherwise? I feel about like you do about photos! **attacks somebody**

I'm glad I'm your favorite seahorse, 'cause you are my favorite seme, you know! ^__^


shake_the_stars June 4 2007, 16:38:56 UTC
Silly seahorse, that is not what I thought at all. I know you're not trying to get money out of me (and it's not like there's all that much to get, anyway). Like much else in life, I didn't know that I wanted a graduation announcement until I received it, and then I realized that obviously it was an absolute necessity.

"Lee and I fight, not Lee and me," Grammar Avenger Lee said, before lumbering away into the night.

As long as we're not Very Special, my dear. ^_-

You are my one and only seahorse. ^____^♥ Also, randomly, there are mailboxes in coastal Florida that are shaped like seahorses. Mom wouldn't stop so I could steal you one, though. T_T;


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