tee hee actor!crushes lol

Oct 23, 2006 00:48

I don't think I have had an actor!crush since I was about thirteen or fourteen, but I rented Amores Perros over the weekend and have now decided that I need to watch as much of Gael García Bernal as possible. In fact, I rewound at several points hoping to get a clear shot of his ass, but no luck. Worst of all, my brain developed an internal ( Read more... )

exploratory heterosexuality, culinary adventures, x-chan helps me get men, gael omg, stupid celebrity crushes, embarrassing personal issues, life

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Comments 31

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shake_the_stars October 23 2006, 04:23:54 UTC
Well, of course, but you weren't on national TV bragging about it. Tom was, so he gets more exposure.

Besides, "FRED AND DUSTY KNOW THE HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRY!!!!!" doesn't have the same ring to it. ^_-


dethorats October 23 2006, 05:31:41 UTC
Did you bake pretzels? 0_0
If so, you must tell me how (or I can continue to be lazy and live off the joy that is Utz)!

Naked ass ftw!


shake_the_stars October 23 2006, 05:59:32 UTC
I did! :D They're an Easter staple at our house, but Mom was rhapsodizing about them earlier, so I made a batch.

I will post the recipe for you. They're soft pretzels, not hard ones, but I guess you could dicker with the recipe and make them extra krispy and krunchety.

N3KK1D 455 R00LZ!


augustuscaesar October 23 2006, 11:29:24 UTC
I am a Gael virgin, although I have several friends who want to bear his children *g* I tried to tape the Te Tu Mama Tambien or whatever the Spanish is film once because of the hot boy-on-boy action, but our cable was set up to need a password to let us access Films Of An Adult Nature and I didn't know :)


shake_the_stars October 23 2006, 21:48:25 UTC
It's fun to live in a wonderland of delusion and fantasize about a guy who doesn't know you exist! ;)

I haven't seen Y Tu Mama Tambien yet, but it is on my list. A universe where Molestycakes McHottiepants Gael and hot boy-on-boy action would fail to entertain me is not a world I want to live in. ;)

How mean of your cable D:


augustuscaesar October 23 2006, 22:55:13 UTC
I find that's the best way to deal with people with boybits. Have big girly star!crushes on famous ones and leave the RL ones alone *g*


It is a poo-face, naturally.


shake_the_stars October 23 2006, 23:31:29 UTC
One of my copy bills almost got sent to X-chan, except her forwarding period has expired, and I wanted to know yesterday when I was talking to her whether she'd gotten any stuff that was meant to be for me. X-chan was like, "No, but it was probably all bills and shit so it's not like you wanted it."
l33: But what if Gael cottons on to the fact that I exist? (clutches at straws)
X-chan: He strikes me as a hip kind of guy. He'd probably try the e-mail first.
l33: Huzzah! I'm all over the Int0rwebz, if you know where to look! EVERYONE'S A WINNER! :DDDDD
X-chan: He also strikes me as smart enough to not spell "are" as the letter R.

The X-chan experience works best if you imagine that she's saying even the most ridiculous and improbable shit with a sincere smile and no trace of irony whatsoever. :D

All machines are made of mean. D:


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