tee hee actor!crushes lol

Oct 23, 2006 00:48

I don't think I have had an actor!crush since I was about thirteen or fourteen, but I rented Amores Perros over the weekend and have now decided that I need to watch as much of Gael García Bernal as possible. In fact, I rewound at several points hoping to get a clear shot of his ass, but no luck. Worst of all, my brain developed an internal monologue about halfway through: "Oh noes! Don't kill Gael!" and "Run, Gael, run!" and all that sort of thing.

l33: You know how there's one person you'd be willing to change your sexual orientation for?
X-chan: Please say it's not Tom Cruise.
l33: God, no.
X-chan: Tom Cruise knows the history of psychiatry.
l33: Okay, X, you win*. Anyway, it's Gael García Bernal.
X-chan: Yeah, he's cute.
(conversation snipped for mindless celebrity gossip and profound discussion of Weasel Geology and Che Guevara and whatnot)
X-chan: Besides, you could take Gael to Los Bravos**. You could be like, "I will buy you a margarita."
l33: I will buy you SEVERAL margaritas! Don't worry, I'm a lesbian!...Mostly.
(rest of conversation snipped because no one wants to hear X-chan advising me on how to attract men)

In non-Gael related news, I mostly watched movies and baked this weekend. We now have chili, bread, and pretzels. HURRAH.

*X-chan and I have this rule that if you yell, "TOM CRUISE KNOWS THE HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRY!!!!!" in the middle of an argument, you automatically win. There is nothing that your opponent can say in response to this. Works best when coming totally out of left field.
**Local Mexican restaurant chain.

exploratory heterosexuality, culinary adventures, x-chan helps me get men, gael omg, stupid celebrity crushes, embarrassing personal issues, life

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