Glimpse of Truth (chapter 13) Feelings of Familiarity

Apr 26, 2010 13:14

Title: Feelings of Familiarity (13/?) (part of the Truth series)
Author: sinecure - My master fic list
Character/Pairing: Ten, Rose
Rating: Teen
Genre: AU, drama, angst
Summary: The Doctor has a trip in mind for Rose.
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.
Author's Notes: To momdaegmorgan for the beta. See? I can post regularly... really. (And it doesn't hurt that I'm fully immersed in writing DW fic again)

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (all ages version). Chapter 4 (adult version),
Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11,
Chapter 12,

The Doctor ran through the doorway of the TARDIS, tossing an absent look her way. Darting up the ramp, he started flipping switches and turning dials, doing his usual TARDIS-take-off routine.

From the safety of the jump seat, Rose rubbed her lower back, grateful she was sitting, because just watching him run around like a madman was making her exhausted. "So, when're you planning on sharing your Huge, Gigantic, Completely Fantastic Idea?"

He didn't say anything, just smiled widely and then motioned zipping his lips.

Since he'd decided on this... whatever it was, he'd been grinning like a loon. A far cry from the dark mood he'd been in since the sonogram. Since she'd asked him about Alishta. Since he'd walked out the door, refusing to look at the baby.

She couldn't quite figure him out; one moment he was normal, jabbing a mile a minute, the next, he was silent and moody.

Most of her questions and comments had been met with silence after the sonogram. Then, suddenly, after a conversation in which she'd done most of the talking, he'd rushed out the door to the console room, taking them out of the vortex, and landing them only-he-knew where.

Now, he was back from wherever he'd gone--he'd insisted she stay inside, saying it was harmful for her and the baby--and he was taking off again.

The TARDIS dropped with a light bump, landing again.

The Doctor turned to her, hands in his pockets, solemn look on his face. He pulled a hand free and held it out to her. Nervousness settled in her. What if he'd taken them to a hospital of some sort? They'd been discussing her fears about the baby and what she should expect when he'd got his bright idea.

Waggling his fingers invitingly, he stepped forward to help her, but Rose waved him away, pushing to her feet on her own. She wasn't helpless yet. Once she was firmly on her feet, she settled her hand in his, feeling his fingers wrap around hers, realizing that this was the first time she'd touched him like this since the one and only time they'd made love. Since he'd decided to dump her and the other him back in Pete's World.

Fighting the urge to yank her hand from his, she let him draw her down the ramp with him and out the doors to--

Gasping, she bit her lip, gazing at her former home.

The Powell Estates.

A surge of homesickness flowed through her and a wave of nostalgia battered at her emotions, too easily stirred these days.

His hand tightened around hers as if he knew what she was feeling. As if he knew that she felt like a kid again and wanted nothing more than to run home to her mum. But she didn't. She stayed glued to the spot because, even if she could manage a run in her condition, she wasn't that little girl anymore.

And Jackie wasn't there.

Stifling a sob, she turned back to the TARDIS. "I don't wanna be here. Why did you--"

"Rose! Why didn't you call, sweetheart?"

Swallowing around the lump in her throat, Rose closed her eyes for a second, took a deep breath and then turned to look over her shoulder. It was her, really her--a wet chuckle escaped Rose's lips--lavender track suit and all.

The tears she'd been holding back fell, blurring her mum's figure as she ran toward them. Rose turned more fully toward her, and Jackie came to a halt, gaping at her.

A hand covered her mouth, but her words were as loud and shrill as ever. "Rose Marion Tyler! What did you do?!"

Giddy with the joy of seeing her mum again and hearing that tone--that screeching tone she'd always cringed at--Rose covered her mouth to hide her giggles.

Her poor mum!

She tossed the Doctor a look, half-grateful, half-accusatory. She understood what he'd done. Knew Jackie would now be forced to keep a gigantic secret from her for years to come. Is that why she hadn't kicked up much of a fuss when Rose told her she was staying behind in their proper universe, leaving her, Pete, and Tony behind?

She knew the Doctor had done it for her because of her fear, knew he was giving her back the one person he knew she needed more than anyone else right now, just as he'd once given her back her dad.

Closing the distance between her and her mum, Rose wrapped her arms around her and held on tight, feeling each curve, each breath, smelling that special Jackie Tyler scent; an odd combination of lavender, baby powder, and hair spray. Chuckling into her mum's shoulder, she closed her eyes and inhaled, feeling like that kid all over again, sitting on mum's big bed, looking through old photos of her dad.

Or snuggled on the couch watching telly and eating biscuits.

Letting out a shuddering breath, she clutched her tighter. "I love you, Mum."

Jackie held on just as tightly for a few more moments before pulling back and staring her down. "None of that now, Rose, trying to butter me up. You tell me what happened... as if I couldn't guess." Her eyes darted angrily to the Doctor before landing once again on Rose. "You're pregnant!"

Rolling her eyes, Rose let her mum cup her cheeks and swipe at her tears with a concerned noise.

Eyes searching Rose's face, she shook her head and sighed. "Always thought you'd do better than me, Rose." The Doctor stepped up beside them, and Jackie's attention switched back to him. "You did this." Sniffing sharply, she put her hands on her hips. "'It's not like that,'" she said snidely, in a poor imitation of Rose. "He's better than that, my arse!"

Sighing in exasperation, but loving every moment of it, Rose grabbed her mum's hand before she could take a swing at the Doctor. "Mum, it's-- stop it, Mum."

Jackie huffed, stiffening for a moment before dropping her hand.

Snickering a bit, Rose darted a look at the Doctor, but he wasn't sharing in her amusement. He was standing there with his hands in his pockets, chin high, silent and solemn. So much like he used to do when facing an alien threat-- no, that was the other him.

Shaking off the still painful memories, she turned her mum toward her. "The baby's not his."

Disbelief swept across Jackie's face. "Oh, don't give me that. 'Course it's his." Then, sudden as a shot, she gasped, holding her hands over her mouth. "You're having an alien baby." Lowering her voice, she darted her eyes around, as if someone might hear. Grabbing Rose's arms, she dragged her toward their--her--flat. "Come inside." Tossing a look at the Doctor, she pointed her finger at him like a weapon, but he didn't even flinch. "You too. Not like you're not responsible for this... somehow."

The Doctor shifted in place and Jackie's eyes slid behind him to the TARDIS.

"Better not be thinking of leaving my daughter here, knocked up with some alien baby--"

"Mum, I already told you the baby isn't his," Rose said more forcefully, wincing at the tight grip on her arm. This was going to be fun to explain. Jackie'd only just got her head wrapped around the idea of the old Doctor being the same man as the one in front of her now.

How would she take the idea of two Doctors, looking exactly alike, but one being mostly human, and both being the same man?

"It's mine, all right? And--" pausing, she looked around, trying to get a feel for when they were, but there was no way to tell. "When was the last time we saw you?" It hurt to think that this would be the last time she ever got to see her mum again. She wanted to tell her everything, but could she? Was it safe? Had she done so before?

"That whole Elton thing, sweetheart, don't you remember?"

Rose's heart stopped for a moment. They'd be visiting Jackie again soon. Darting her eyes around, looking for signs of ghosts, for Cybermen, she saw the Doctor shake his head.

"Rose, no."

There was a stern warning in his voice and on his face, telling her not to interfere, and she knew--knew!--she couldn't, but that didn't make it any easier. Didn't make it hurt any less.

"No what?" Jackie asked, looking between the two of them in exasperation. When neither said anything, she rolled her eyes. "Upstairs, you two." She drew Rose along with her, being extra careful of her, as if she were nine months already and ready to pop at any moment.

"Mum, I'm not an invalid. Still got months to go yet." Pulling away from her mum, she walked ahead of them to the staircase.

"Months to g--" she said in bewilderment, taking Rose's arm again. "But look at you. Sure you're not having a litter? Can't believe you let an alien knock you up, Rose. Really."

Heaving a sigh, Rose pulled the door open and waited for Jackie and the Doctor to go through, but there was a small, silent scuffle while they made her go first and she tried to fight their coddling. Finally, after a glare at the both of them, she headed toward the stairs, feeling the heat blast her almost immediately. It was always so sweltering in here.

"Baby's not mine," the Doctor told Jackie briskly as he slipped past them, taking the steps three at a time, coat billowing out behind him.

Jackie stared after him. "Well, why isn't it?" she called loudly, voice echoing in the stone and glass enclosure.

Rose rubbed her head, pushing her sweaty hair off her forehead. "Drop it, please."

"Sweetheart," Jackie said softly, hand on the lower part of Rose's back as they slowly ascended the steps. "Is something wrong? Did this-- were you not... what I mean is, was it consensual?"

"Yes," she replied immediately, sending her mum an honest look, wanting to get that idea right out of her head. "Yeah, Mum, it was-- I... I love him," she whispered, brushing impatiently at the tears, ever ready to fall these days.

"I know," Jackie soothed, hugging her tight once they reached the first landing. The Doctor's footsteps above them stopped and he was gone, down the hall toward the flat.

Rose felt like he'd just walked out of her life and the tears began to fall faster.

"He loves you too, Rose. I know he does." Jackie drew back, tucking Rose's hair behind her ears, brushing away the tears with her thumbs.

Sighing, Rose pulled free of her mum. "Not him. The other--" closing her eyes, she shook her head. "Never mind. I want some tea, just like you always make it. I miss your tea." Giving her a watery smile, she wondered if her mum would've liked the human Doctor.

Wondered what kind of father he'd have been.

How was she supposed to raise this baby without him?

The Doctor would be there, she knew, but the baby wasn't his. And, judging from his reaction just now, he didn't want anyone thinking it was either.

As they hit the landing, Jackie peered down the empty walk, sighing loudly. "If he's busted the lock, he's paying for it. Does he actually have money? Or does he make you pay for everything?"

"He's got money," Rose answered absently, wondering why he was so anxious to leave her behind. She knew he wouldn't do it permanently, not here, not in this time or place. Not even on Earth at all. The baby wasn't completely human, she knew that now, so it wasn't even a possibility. And she wouldn't allow it either.

But she still felt suddenly like he didn't want to be around her.

"He used the sonic screwdriver. The lock is fine."

As they neared the flat, Rose felt the baby kick, moving around like a gymnast. "Mum," she gasped, grabbing Jackie's hand and placing it on her stomach.

Jackie went still for a moment before a laugh left her. "That's my grandbaby. Oh, Rose, I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmum. At my age!" she lamented, looking horrified for all of two seconds before smoothing Rose's hair out of her face. "I wish your father were here to see you."

Closing her eyes, enjoying being with her mum again, feeling that wave of nostalgia sweep over her again, she started to sway on her feet. "Me too," she mumbled. Soon enough, Jackie would get her wish, though not in the way she expected. And a while after that, she'd be in the same condition as Rose. Sniffing back tears, Rose kissed her mum's cheek and went into the flat, immediately hit by the familiarity of the place. "What d'you think of the name Tony?" she asked, unable to help herself.

She missed her little brother so much.

"Isn't that a bit human?" Jackie asked, heading into the kitchen to make the tea. "Shouldn't the baby have a title or something like himself there?"

Settling into a chair at the table, Rose watched her mum work and rubbed her head, aching from the heat and the long climb up the stairs. She didn't bother correcting her mum on the father of the baby again, knew it was useless. Jackie'd made up her mind and nothing Rose said would change that now.

So, the Doctor was the daddy.

Sliding her eyes to him, she watched him fiddle with the remote for the telly.

As if he felt her gaze on him, he said, "You should take something for that headache." Eyes jumping to hers, he added, "Just not aspirin. Ever. We're allergic. It'd kill the baby."

Nodding, she blinked at him. He was already back to fiddling, but how did he know she had a headache?

Chapter 14

sinecure: glimpses: truth, sinecure: dw, sinecure: glimpses, sinecure

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