Glimpse of Truth (chapter 2) Reality Intrudes

Aug 27, 2008 02:43

Title: Glimpse of Truth (2/?)
Author: sinecure - My master fic list
Character/Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen
Genre: Angst
Summary: 10.2 sees things as they are.
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.
Author's Notes: to momdaegmorgan for the beta and the prompt that led to this chapter, and for encouraging me to write more because what I had before wasn't fleshed out enough and sucked.

Chapter 1 - Glimpse of Truth

The Doctor stood in the doorway to his own bedroom, feeling like an intruder. Rose was inside with him. The other him. He'd never seen a more intimate moment between two people, nor one that made him wish so hard that he had more than one heart to be able to carry the burden and strain that this single one was feeling.

Rose's sweat-slicked body was enfolded in his arms. Arms that were his, but weren't. Her blonde head was resting on a shoulder that could've been his, but wasn't. Bare flesh on bare flesh in bare flesh. The smell of sex surrounded them, musky and soft, the sound of their heavy breathing the only noise breaking through the silence.

That could be him, he thought, in a different universe, that could be him. Him with Rose, in their bedroom in a house all their own, living the life he'd never been able to have before, but wanted so desperately now that he could have it.

He saw the plan his other self had made slipping through his fingers, saw his life with Rose fade like a flower too long in the sun. It dried up and blew away, leaving nothing behind but the memory.

Rose wasn't his. She'd never belonged to him. And it looked like she wasn't going to either.

Wrapped so tightly in each other's arms, they didn't see or hear him as he backed away and shut the door.

Chapter 3

sinecure: glimpses: truth, sinecure: dw, sinecure: glimpses, sinecure

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