Glimpse of Truth (chapter 12) Beginning Truce

Apr 19, 2010 22:39

Title: Beginning Truce (12/?) (part of the Truth series)
Author: sinecure - My master fic list
Character/Pairing: Ten, Rose
Rating: Teen
Genre: AU, drama, angst
Summary: Title says it all.
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.
Author's Notes: To momdaegmorgan for the beta. Sorry it took almost a year to post the next chapter. I have more. Poke me if I don't post again soon.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (all ages version).
Chapter 4 (adult version), Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7.
Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10. Chapter 11

A sudden kick to her bladder made Rose wince, but she was so used to it by now that it barely registered until the Doctor frowned, darting a look from her belly to her face.

"Was that a kick?" he asked, voice rising just a bit. His hand, holding a medical device he'd told her was similar to a sonogram wand, moved toward the center of her belly. "Felt like a kick. Are they painful? I'd imagine they are. Wouldn't want a teeny, tiny, little person inside me kicking at all manner of organs and things that I hold precious and dear." He slid the instrument down the swell of her stomach, toward her chest, and she sucked in an involuntary breath at how close his hand was to parts of her that he hadn't touched in nearly a year. "I'm rather fond of my spleen, thank you very much."

She let her breath out in a sigh. He didn't even seem to notice or care that he was touching her more intimately than he ever really had other than that one time. Just the once. Although, he had been rambling since they'd come to the medical bay. Maybe there was a reason for it?

After their conversation in the library, things had been calmer between them, maybe his need to fill up the silence with babbling was just nerves?

"Well, not just my spleen. Got all sorts of things I like. Hearts," he told her, adjusting a dial on the monitor beside the bed. "I've got two of 'em, but that doesn't mean I want some little tyke kicking 'em like footballs." His fingertips brushed against her belly.


The word whispered through her mind, and she snapped her eyes up to his.

He looked from the device to the monitor, unaware that he was projecting his thoughts again. "Not that little he or she can manage to kick way up there."

No other words or sounds came to her and she had to wonder if it was just her own mind repeating the word. Didn't feel like her thoughts though. Didn't feel like... her.

Just as the monitor flickered and buzzed, she leaned up on her elbows and asked, "What does alishta mean?"

The Doctor's eyes shot to hers and he tightened his grip on the device, pressing it uncomfortably into her belly. "What?"

Shrugging from her position was a bit difficult, but she managed it. "I don't know, I just..." lowering her eyes to her belly, she drew in a deep breath. "I keep hearing it. In my head."

"Ah." Fiddling with the machine, he turned away from her, adjusting a dial, then another. "It's a word my people used--" Frowning, he turned back to the monitor, hitting it once on the side. "Eh, it's... well, the best English translation I can come up with is inadequate really. Has a lot of meanings. Multiple ones that all translate differently and none are the same, like a snowflake, and each angle of the meaning is changed with each new facet of..." he opened his mouth, but no more words came out.

He smacked the side of the machine again.

Brow furrowing, she laid back down, letting him run the wand over her belly, his movements more businesslike this time. Disappointment flowed through her. "Oh."

Sighing, he straightened up and darted his eyes to her face. "It's the feelings attached to the word more than the meaning behind it that--"

The screen flickered and her eyes slipped to the monitor. Amid the glowing blue graininess, she saw a very distinctive image. "Oh, my god." Feeling a sense of wonderment, she slid her hands down her stomach, drawing in a sharp breath. "That's my baby." A grin split her lips, laughter bubbling up inside of her. "I'm having a baby."

The Doctor's fingers brushed hers briefly as he moved the wand.

That was a tiny little life inside her, a life they'd created. "I wish your daddy were here to see you," she whispered, tears burning her eyes.

The Doctor pressed a button on the monitor, stilling the image, then dropped the wand to the tray with a clatter, startling her. "I'll leave you alone," he mumbled, turning on his heel and leaving the room.

Staring after him, she felt her stomach clench and her chest ache. He couldn't even stand to see the baby.

Chapter 13

sinecure: glimpses: truth, sinecure: dw, sinecure: glimpses, sinecure

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