Poll of the day

Aug 04, 2006 17:38

I let my subscription expire so I can't do a real poll but here's the poll ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

rosehiptea August 4 2006, 23:28:59 UTC
I wouldn't do it. I'd shop around for a better deal on a room and save as much as possible that way. (I know that's easy for me to say, not knowing the realities of travelling in Europe.)


shagsthedustmop August 6 2006, 14:30:40 UTC
Problem is I really don't want to be at a different hotel. I think I will just have to lump it.


mongoluehring August 4 2006, 23:44:48 UTC
I've roomed with men before, and honestly, it depends on the guy. Especially if you can find a gay male friend to room with, go for it. They make these really exceptional foam ear plugs which will literally cover up any noise - my husband snores like a jackhammer, and I never have a problem.

Good luck, and have a fun trip! :)


shagsthedustmop August 6 2006, 14:28:29 UTC
I don't think any of these guys are gay.

I wish I knew which foam earplugs are the best because for me they don't help when the snoring is really bad.


mongoluehring August 6 2006, 16:40:24 UTC
Well, this isn't the brand I use (I just buy the store brand), but here's what they look like:

... )


eryn_ August 4 2006, 23:58:39 UTC
I can't vouch for the snoring issue, but I can say that I don't like being in hotel rooms alone in unfamiliar cities. I would not, certainly, stay in a different hotel than the rest of my party. Either I wouldn't go, I'd pay the money, or I would share a room. They all have good and bad points.

I wouldn't make a decision based on a possible future financial downturn personally. If I did that I wouldn't go. Not only would I skip Amsterdam, but I wouldn't be going to Germany either. Staying home is much cheaper and you don't have to worry about strange men.

I have shared a room with men before I met EJ. I like it better than sharing with women. EJ would be frightfully disturbed if I wanted to share a room with someone other than him. I've had an invitation to vacation "just us girls" with a friend and he's not thrilled. "We can afford for you to have your own room," is what he says.

I can't tell you what decision you should make, but from what you have indicated, I think you should stay home or pay the money.


shagsthedustmop August 6 2006, 14:30:07 UTC
I don't mind being in the hotel room alone so much as not wanting to stay at a different hotel, that I definitely don't want to do.

And certain people (that you've met, so you know who I'm talking about) are being stubborn about wanting to stay at the same hotel as last year despite the cost increase.


I am leaning toward giving in and just telling that guy that he has to buy me several dinners and lots of pot to make up for the extra room cost.


eryn_ August 6 2006, 16:55:26 UTC
Can you find an equivalent hotel at a better price?


teshara August 5 2006, 00:55:23 UTC
buy earplugs and share the damn room.
You can get a lot more clothes for teh money you'll save :D


shagsthedustmop August 6 2006, 14:27:32 UTC
hehe, funny... I've already spent too much on clothes this year, sadly


teshara August 6 2006, 17:28:02 UTC
One cannot have too many pairs of shoes...


lookfar August 5 2006, 01:30:32 UTC
Well, you can always ask, "Do you snore?" and especially, "Has anyone else accused you of snoring?" If Mr. Shags doesn't care, I'd go ahead and do it. I'm assuming you know the guy/s and there'd be no chance whatsoever of a misunderstanding. Let the dirty-minded think what they will; your heart is pure. And it's not as if it's work or anything, rigtht?


shagsthedustmop August 6 2006, 14:24:33 UTC
The guys have already admitted they snore, so there's no mystery there. They are folks I know well so I'm not worried about them getting the wrong idea. I'm really just more concerned because even earplugs doesn't help me when a snorer is really bad.


lookfar August 6 2006, 16:12:59 UTC
Sounds like that's really the issue, then. Unless you want to end up sleeping in the bath tub.


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