Poll of the day

Aug 04, 2006 17:38

I let my subscription expire so I can't do a real poll but here's the poll.

I am taking my yearly trip to Amsterdam and Germany in October and am trying to figure out the logistics. I'm a little worried about cost. Mr. Shags is concerned about the stability of his job and so I feel kinda bad spending money to travel, and am thus trying to shave costs wherever I can.

So here's the dilemma. Hotel rooms are really pricey, esp. in Amsterdam. My rich bachelor friends don't care much and want to stay at the nice place that we got a killer deal at last year, but this year I have money on the mind.

I generally have made it a policy since I got married only to room with women. I know plenty of married women who don't see anything wrong with rooming with a guy-not-their-husband as long as no hanky panky occurs, but I've always avoided it because of "appearances". Mr. Shags doesn't even care, but has said "if they rape me he'll kill them."

There aren't any women travelling with us, but there are single guys.

Should I room with one of the guys to save costs? This could potentially save me about $600-800 dollars. It's pretty common to do this in my circles and people probably wouldn't think anything was going on (if they even noticed), but some probably would because they're pervs.

The other thing that worries me besides appearances is snoring. I can't sleep through it. Most men snore. In a hotel, there's nowhere to go. This is an even bigger reason IMO not to room with one of my guy-friends.

What do y'all think?
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