Rise and shine

Jul 12, 2004 16:09

The fresh clean bedding doesn't smell of Minerva anymore, which makes Severus feel all poignant for a moment ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

snake_charmer_ July 12 2004, 08:56:01 UTC
~Pansy looks up from the book she is reading on the couch. Severus looks like he is stalking prey. Danm, and no Minerva to keep him in check. She returns her attention to her book and tries to look inconspicuous.~


shaggablesnape July 12 2004, 09:20:48 UTC
Severus notices the duck of the head, and the reluctance to meet his eyes. Avoidance behaviour he's seen time and time again in Potions classes.

Oh sod it, even picking on someone isn't going to help.

And Minerva will give him hell if he does.

He'll have to settle for taking it out on some poor vegetables.


purebloodsrule July 12 2004, 12:06:03 UTC
Morning, Severus.


snake_charmer_ July 12 2004, 12:57:25 UTC
~Pansy catches Draco's eye and smiles~

Did you come out to do the mirrors and windows?


purebloodsrule July 12 2004, 13:03:26 UTC
Nah - Red's doing that.

~A worried look comes over his face~

Are there other chores to do?


snake_charmer_ July 12 2004, 13:07:55 UTC
~amused chuckle~

No, you hid long enough. They're all finished.


shaggablesnape July 12 2004, 16:19:53 UTC
Severus has by now gutted several onions, and is moving on to flaying tomatoes. There is a visceral satisfaction - literally - in watching the juices ooze onto the chopping board.

Then he starts to slice the steak. Thin slivers, very precise knife work.


purebloodsrule July 12 2004, 16:25:12 UTC
~Draco walks over slowly, not wanting to startle the other man~

Um... that's pretty impressive knife work, Severus.


shaggablesnape July 12 2004, 16:37:41 UTC
Hmmm thank you Draco, Severus says absently, concentrating very hard on the angle.

He finishes, and begins laying out the ingredients on a hot frying pan.

If you think you've mastered the art of toast and put a couple of slices on apiece we can have steak sandwiches.....


purebloodsrule July 12 2004, 16:42:32 UTC
~Draco grins~

Good idea. And I think I'm a Toast Master now, so I'll get on that.


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