Rise and shine

Jul 12, 2004 16:09

The fresh clean bedding doesn't smell of Minerva anymore, which makes Severus feel all poignant for a moment ( Read more... )

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purebloodsrule July 12 2004, 12:06:03 UTC
Morning, Severus.


snake_charmer_ July 12 2004, 12:57:25 UTC
~Pansy catches Draco's eye and smiles~

Did you come out to do the mirrors and windows?


purebloodsrule July 12 2004, 13:03:26 UTC
Nah - Red's doing that.

~A worried look comes over his face~

Are there other chores to do?


snake_charmer_ July 12 2004, 13:07:55 UTC
~amused chuckle~

No, you hid long enough. They're all finished.


purebloodsrule July 12 2004, 13:12:00 UTC
Oh, goo- I mean... um... hiding? Me? What are you talking about?

~Draco attempts an innocent look~


snake_charmer_ July 12 2004, 13:17:21 UTC

You used to lie so well. What's happened to you, Draco? Not that I'm complaining mind you.


purebloodsrule July 12 2004, 13:21:25 UTC
~chuckles and takes a seat next to her on the couch~

Just not so good lying to you anymore, is all. I can lie to Weasel or Bubblehead as well as I ever could, I bet.


snake_charmer_ July 12 2004, 15:56:53 UTC
I like the sound of that.

~Pansy laces her arms around Draco's neck, kisses him, and whispers in his ear.~

I think you and Severus need some time alone together. I'll be in the girls room reading if you want to talk afterwards.


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