>> Продолжение
этого Всем стало совершенно ясно, что не смотря на хорошую мину офицеры первого этажа имиграшки не могут объяснить, почему Корее так необходимо что-бы истец уехал.
9 октября в суд было подано детальное объяснение “первого этажа” имиграшки:
We recommended him to visit the Labor Ministry and discuss the matter with them, adding that the plaintiff could not obtain a visa needed to work for a new place or change his current working place without a Release Letter of J&H or its report that it terminated the Contract.
Тут всплыло сакраментальное “письмо о освобождении [из рабства]” (не предусмотренное ни одним законом). Получалось, что компания может уволить иностранца, отказаться от гарантий и ОДНОВРЕМЕННО не дать ему устроиться на другую работу, т.к. “не подписала release letter”!
Basically, any foreigners staying in Korea should not work in places other than a granted place and he may change or add his working place only with a prior consent (please refer to Article 21 of Immigration Administration Act). The plaintiff should be deprived of his passport and right to stay here as a matter of course, since he had been invited by J&H to work for them and his employment contract was terminated by the employer, or the company calling him to the country.
Тут напоминают, что работу можно получить только с разрешения имиграшки.
Notwithstanding the Immigration Bureau whose main purposes are to secure national interests and security on the basis of the national sovereignty decided that the notice of dismissal resolution at the disciplinary conference of J&H submitted along with other documents when they reported Employment Condition Change Report on Feburary 25, 2004 on the charge of his industrial spy acts and indolence as well as statements written by his neighbors were critical issues absolutely contrary to national interests, the postponement of his exit was approved only from the humanitarian point and considering his economic situations.
Вот тут уже теплее. Именно тут всплыл тот самый документ о "помощи несчастному корейскому производителю" (
Exhibit №40), и "заявление соседей".
So, it was very natural and lawful for the defendant to deprive the plaintiff of his right to stay according to Article 89 of IAA and issue him the exit order according to Article 68 of IAA because J&H submitted the Employment/Industrial Training Condition Change report according to Article 19 of IAA and then stop to guarantee for the dismissed employee which is a critical cause to deprive his right to stay further.
Тут хитрость в том, что во первых J&H не подавала никаких прошений о снятии гарантии, а во вторых гарантия была дана компанией государству, что Корея не будет иметь проблем с иностранцем. Ну а имиграшка "натурально" компанию простила - иди иностранец на все четыре стороны, не нужен ты гаранту. Т.е. сеть работа - и гарантия не нужна, а нет работы и всем плевать на гарантии. Кстати точно тоже случилось скажем с артистами в 2009...
it is revealed that the plaintiff did not appeal against the Exit Order by Seoul IAA and, furthermore, took full advantage of the Exit Order as a means to stay in Korea. So, the Exit Order was approved by the plaintiff and used for his own sake.
Тут истца попрекают, что он сразу в суд не подал на имиграшку. Тут возразить нечего.
The plaintiff received a Compulsory Departure Order because he did not comply with the Exit Order by the specified period. The plaintiff did not exercise his right to appeal against the Compulsory Departure Order according to Article 60 of IAA, but continued to stay after temporary release from detention on the ground of the Compulsory Departure Order.
Это совершенно гениально! Т.е. истец не видел никаких ордеров но тем не менее просрочил время подачи апелляции!
Though we asked him to bring any employment evidence for his getting a new job when he visited us to report his dismissal, he has not tried to get it nor found any job until now.
Ну то есть не видели контрактов и все. Надо было с ТВ операторами приходить в имиграшку, чтобы не не говорили, что работу не искал. Не говоря уже о позднейшем обвинении в "нелегальном инженерствовании".
But, it is impossible to treat him from the humanitarian viewpoint continuously, ignoring damages to our people due to the plaintiff or his personal matters about unpaid salaries and seeking of another job.
"Ну сколько ж можно!"
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