Back in fandom, sort of kind of a little bit.

Mar 17, 2010 22:14

So, remember how I said back in November that I needed to give up fandom for a while ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

sueworld2003 March 18 2010, 07:42:03 UTC
Welcome back to lj hon, and glad to hear you're writing again. :)


shadowscast March 18 2010, 16:52:28 UTC

I'm still not going to be either reading or posting very much, but I figured I'd officially update my status to "barely here" from "not here at all". :-)


shapinglight March 18 2010, 11:05:45 UTC
It's great to know that you're writing again. I've never even heard of Once a Thief so I probably won't be reading, but I'm glad you've got your creative urge back.

Long may it last.


shadowscast March 18 2010, 16:53:48 UTC
Yeah, there aren't even DVDs for this show so it's not like I'm going to try to recruit new fans. :P

It's really fun to be writing it again, though -- like visiting old friends I hadn't seen in years!


hawera March 18 2010, 11:17:13 UTC
Looking up your archive. Thanks for the link.

Hope you are not abandoning S/X for ever though.


shadowscast March 18 2010, 16:56:51 UTC
Hope you are not abandoning S/X for ever though.

Oh my goodness no! That pairing is far too much fun. :-)


candleanfeather March 19 2010, 22:02:32 UTC
It's nice too see you back and wanting to write. I hope everything will go as you want.


You're a Winner at Absence of Light velvetwhip May 15 2010, 18:55:54 UTC

... )


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