Back in fandom, sort of kind of a little bit.

Mar 17, 2010 22:14

So, remember how I said back in November that I needed to give up fandom for a while ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

silk_labyrinth May 27 2010, 01:20:42 UTC
By a circuitous route (which I can't even reconstruct), I found your Buffyverse webpage. I just finished a couple of stories and really enjoy your writing. I'm relatively new to LJ, and plan to friend you so I won't miss out once you're posting again. Glad that you've returned to writing, even if it isn't currently S/X. Hopefully -- after you've finished your Once a Thief WIP -- the Muse will give you a burning need to return to Spike! Wishing you the best.


shadowscast May 27 2010, 02:42:52 UTC
Oh man, you're so sweet to pop in here just to tell me that! I'm happy to have you as an LJ-friend, and honored by your interest in my fic.

I am in fact still slowly progressing on that old Once A Thief WIP, and it's making me very happy even though I expect that at most 3 people will ever read it, so that's fun. I'm pretty sure I'll be ready to go back to S/X when I finally finish it, so it's encouraging to know there'll still be readers out there!


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