Back in fandom, sort of kind of a little bit.

Mar 17, 2010 22:14

So, remember how I said back in November that I needed to give up fandom for a while?

I realized about three weeks ago that I need to come back.

Okay, specifically: I needed to start writing again. Writing is my creative outlet, it's my play. All work and no play make Homer go crazy. So I did (go a little crazy) and then I did (start writing again), and so here I am.

Except what I'm writing right now isn't my current S/X WIP. It isn't even Buffyverse. I've picked up a stalled WIP from my very first fandom, Once A Thief. This is a story that I hadn't updated in seven years. It's been stuck, unfinished, since May 2003. It was about 120,000 words long when I stopped. I'd tried many times over the years to get back to it, but I never could manage a single word. And this is the story that's writing itself now whenever I get my fingers to a keyboard.

I realize there may be nobody left in the entire world who's interested in reading it, but apparently I need to write this story.

Meanwhile, I've also opened up a shiny new Archive of Our Own account, and am experimenting with uploading my old stories. I just started with a couple of really short ones, but the interface is really nice and they look very pretty there, plus it gives me a nice sense of accomplishment. So I'll probably keep going with that, as I find time.

ETA: On AO3, I'm Shadowscast, as always!

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