Hello out there!
Yesterday I had the pleasure of hanging out with a new RL friend who is also fannish, and she reminded me that I haven't updated this journal for quite a while. It is true! (Also she washed my dishes while I was occupied with my 2-year-old kid.
the_shoshanna, you rock.)
So here's what's up with me, fandom-wise:
I'm still working on the seven-year-old stalled WIP from my first fandom, Once A Thief. It's giving me an inordinate amount of pleasure to be working on that story again, even though I'm unconvinced that anybody will read it once it's done. Better yet,
yourlibrarian has offered to beta-read it for me, starting by actually watching the whole darn television series!
Speaking of friends who are wonderful (I seem to be blessed with a lot of them!), a couple of my RL friends are looking after my kid several days a week this summer, allowing me to have some relaxing solitary time during my summer hiatus from teaching. Some of this time will most certainly be spent writing, oh my yes.
I'm starting to kick a few new Buffyverse ideas around in my head, too. Of course the problem is that I find it difficult to write anything short, but I'd really like to write something that I can finish before the summer's over. So, hm, we'll see what comes of that.
Meanwhile, I'm really excited, proud and grateful to have received several fandom awards for the one story I wrote last year! Thanks to whoever out there nominated me, and also to everyone who put in the work to make these fandom awards happen.
Pretty banners behind the cut, as well as links to the awards sites so you can go find lots of good stories to read.
(Banners link to the award sites.)
Oh hey, if you missed the story when I posted it last fall and want to check it out now, here it is. (Spike/Xander, circa season 7, with a time loop!)
On AO3:
Longest. Day. Ever.At Fall for S/X:
Longest. Day. Ever. *hugs* to you all. See you around!
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