An Overview of the Summer until Now.

Sep 08, 2012 17:52

In the middle of June I prettymuch dropped off the face of Livejournal, this was due to how time consuming the summer school courses were. We had to log in ATLEAST 14 hours a week, not including the four hours you had to spend on the classes each week in person at the host School's computers.

It was hell really, but its all over now. I have my ( Read more... )

feelings, photo, friends, brian, school, pets, life

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Comments 11

straydogstarbck September 9 2012, 01:10:27 UTC
From what you've said about them before, your friends seem shitty and not like real friends at all. :( You're probably better off without them if they're gonna act like that. I hope you can find someone to connect with who'll be a better friend to you.

Midori is super pretty! How do you sex a bird, is it a lab test?


shadoweon September 9 2012, 01:14:33 UTC
Yeah,they were but I didn't have anyone else so I had to sort of cling to them. :c In some of 10th & 11th grade they were pretty good friends but that faded.

And thanks! Yeah, they take blood and figure it out from that somehow.


kurikuribebi September 9 2012, 01:42:01 UTC
What? Those are friends?
Surprising. I wouldn't feel too disappointed about losing them.


shadoweon September 9 2012, 01:44:28 UTC
I'm not disappointed about losing them, i'm more disappointed of having really no one to talk to IRL. It doesn't look good on my part to have no friends beyond online ones, even if they always have meant more to me than IRL ones. v_v


crow_lover September 9 2012, 22:57:45 UTC
Hi, glad to hear you've been okay for the most part....sorry bout your friends and your Dad's side of the family, tho. :/ Your bird is really cute, too. :) <3


shadoweon September 10 2012, 18:47:51 UTC
Thanks. c:


pheonixxfoxx September 10 2012, 14:15:51 UTC
I so meant to reply to your post yesterday, but I just didn't have the time before my Dad showed up. Better late then never I suppose...:)

Your in real life friends do not sound like friends at all!! One thing I have observed, people do come and go in our lives. My Mom has told me time and time again, "You can only count your true friends on one hand." She is so right...;_;

What a lovely Monk Parakeet/Quaker Parrot you have. They can be ornery little birds, pretty much you have to show them who is boss. I really should have Noodle sexed..:3

All I can say about your Dad's side of the family is, it will be their loss. They won't get to know the kind of terrific person you are, which is a shame. Sadly, I can relate 90% of my family could careless that I exist...:\

Good luck getting your hands on all the new Eeveelution merchandise...;)


shadoweon September 10 2012, 18:47:11 UTC
Not a problem, I don't think it was that much of a delay. XD

Your mom is right, my mom doesn't really give good advice. She tells me things like "Life sucks and then you die." -.-

And I don't think I know the name of all your pets, which one is Noodle?=o Cody isn't sexed but hes past the sexual maturity age and he hasn't laid eggs and he in general seems pretty male XD (territorial and such). Right now Midori is very sweet and cuddly. She makes special little greeting chirps when she can see me from her cage too, but I guess she will get a little tougher as time goes on,huh?

And lastly,thank you. <3 I am not a perfect person and honestly i'm a bit of a pervert, but i'm glad that you find me like-able. X3


pheonixxfoxx September 10 2012, 19:33:36 UTC
I feel obligated to respond to people's journal entries pretty much the day they are posted. Why that is, I have no clue?! I guess that I just worry people might think I am ignoring them ( ... )


shadoweon September 10 2012, 19:42:22 UTC
Don't worry, I didn't think that.

And oh, I don't think I ever heard of Noodle before then. :3 I guess I should get Cody tested too but I really don't want him to be a girl. DX

Piper lays eggs sometimes and she acts terrible,its like she has PMS for over a month, she acts like such a bitch. <.Cody can be mean sometimes but usually if he gets a "time out" (put him in his cage for a bit) hes fine. He has to come out on his own terms now though because he will bite if I try to perch him inside of his cage for whatever reason ( ... )


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