An Overview of the Summer until Now.

Sep 08, 2012 17:52

In the middle of June I prettymuch dropped off the face of Livejournal, this was due to how time consuming the summer school courses were. We had to log in ATLEAST 14 hours a week, not including the four hours you had to spend on the classes each week in person at the host School's computers.

It was hell really, but its all over now. I have my diploma and I don't have to look back. So, that said I guess i'll go over what else has happened in these months:

My real life friends have made no attempt to make any contact with me this summer, and assuming they are the ones that did the two prank calls I have removed all of them from anywhere I added them. Even for much of senior year it was hard to get them to spend any time with me well,except for one. Coming out of High School I don't have any RL friends anymore,which sucks but nothing much I can do. Hopefully I can make new ones when I get a job and eventually go to community collage.

As for online ones, I have mostly kept everyone close and have made some new friends as well. My contact was limited for awhile because of school but i'm freed up now so hopefully I can talk to all of them (and you guys here on LJ) more.

I've barely gotten to talk to him this summer because of summer school plus he doesn't always reply when he is on and hes just not on very often lately. We talked a bit last week, which was nice but I hope I can talk to him more soon. Its hard having such limited contact with him since he is so dear to me, but I still love him as much as ever. <3

All of the pets are fine, life is as usual with them.  There is,however, a new addition! A quaker parrot named Midori, who I think is a girl but we just got her sexed (to make sure) and haven't gotten the results back yet. I'll make sure to make a post about that once we know for sure. She has been here a little over a month now and was three months old when we got her.

Things with my Mom's side of the family are still pretty good and although I don't really enjoy being around my cousin's new Baby, I still see them often. ^^  As for my Dad's side of the family...I cannot say the same. I have gotten really tired of all their BS to be blunt, and as such I will not be visiting them anytime soon. If they wish to contact me they may, which most of them have not attempted. So yeahhh. I could go on about this in much more detail but for now I won't, because its not like its something nice to talk about anyway.

I've still been getting additions to my collections, i've just been too busy or lazy to post about them. I am thinking about attempting to sell alot of my non pokemon items because I don't feel much attachment to alot of it, plus I need to  make room for all the Eeevee/Eeveeloution stuff that will be coming to my house within a couple of months. @_@ I have been working a bit on my collection site this week, so it is a little more up to date that it has been.

feelings, photo, friends, brian, school, pets, life

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