Supporting Character, Week 3: Marathon of Moments (2/2)

Apr 19, 2008 21:40

Title: Marathon of Moments
Author: cybersyd
Prompt: Endings and Beginnings
Word Count: 13,000
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Set during the first few episodes of Season Four. No specific spoilers, other than cast changes.
Summary: An unintended exploration of his own life leaves Radek Zelenka less certain of who he is.

Marathon of Moments, part two )

prompt:endings, genre:supporting

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Comments 18

teh_bug April 20 2008, 06:13:09 UTC
*wibbles* Oh, Radek! *squishes tightly*

My heart is shattered! But in a beautiful, beautiful way. Everything felt like a dream and made sense the way dreams do when you're in them, but not when you wake up. It felt so surreal and!

Excellent job!


deaka April 20 2008, 06:56:32 UTC
Oh, wow. I don't think I've ever read a better depiction of the fragility of memory and identity, mingling together and coming apart. I love the way the confusion trickles in slowly, eroding away Radek's grasp on what is and isn't real, and the way that we as readers experience that as he does. And I love Radek's relationship with Rodney - that he refuses to make excuses for Rodney's behaviour, because he does indeed bring it on himself, but at the same time he does have that understanding of how Rodney works.

Amazing and beautiful, great work.


sholio April 20 2008, 07:18:15 UTC
Oh Radek! This is beautifully written, and I'm really amazed and impressed at how you've conveyed Radek's disjointed thoughts and confusion while still putting together the pieces for us, the readers. I particularly loved seeing the development of his friendship with Rodney, from that insufferable guy in Antarctica (whose respect he nevertheless begins to win) to the friend who struggles to fix him and invites him along on team movie nights.


xparrot April 20 2008, 08:51:11 UTC
Lovely story, the twists and bends and overlap of Radek's life. Especially enjoyed the intersections with all the other people we know - Rodney of course, who Radek won't make excuses for, but who read Radek's first article; but also Ronon's shadow and Sheppard's questions and Teyla's presence, and the pain of Carson's loss. The blending of memories over time was nicely done.


dragonladyk April 20 2008, 09:01:27 UTC
Oh. Woughby.

*hugs Radek* That last section is my favorite, and the forgetting the names.



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