Supporting Character, Week 3: Marathon of Moments (2/2)

Apr 19, 2008 21:40

Title: Marathon of Moments
Author: cybersyd
Prompt: Endings and Beginnings
Word Count: 13,000
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Set during the first few episodes of Season Four. No specific spoilers, other than cast changes.
Summary: An unintended exploration of his own life leaves Radek Zelenka less certain of who he is.

Marathon of Moments, part two )

prompt:endings, genre:supporting

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Comments 18

tielan April 20 2008, 10:01:48 UTC
This? Is amazing. Love the splintering and splicing of memory, the way everything segues, and the mystery surrounding what has happened.



explodedpen April 20 2008, 12:20:27 UTC
Oh this was just *brilliant* It deepens my love for Radek and God you just want to hold him and make it all better.

And dammit I need a Radek icon for these situations! lol

Excellent story :D


Supporting Character, Week 3: Marathon of Moments - story maxinemayer April 20 2008, 15:03:27 UTC
This is an incredibly moving and lovely story! Heartwrenching! Thank you for sharing.
Love, max


tringasolitaria April 20 2008, 15:59:21 UTC
Wow - this is a wonderful story. I could see it playing out in my head like an episode. :)


bitter_crimson April 20 2008, 21:51:04 UTC
*flails* This is so fantastic. I love how the memories started out uncorrupted, and you introduced more and more misplaced elements as they went on. Your Radek is so wonderful, and I love all the memories you did incorporate. This story will definitely remain one of my favorites.


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