Same Old Same Old by mific (H/C challenge)

Aug 08, 2009 06:10

Title: Same Old Same Old
Author: mific
Pairing: John/Rodney, established relationship
Warnings: hurt/comfort, they’re old codgers
Rating: R, just for rude words
Word Count: 1508
Disclaimer: I don't own SGA, I'm just fond of John and Rodney

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author: mific, challenge: h/c

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Comments 26

florahart August 7 2009, 18:39:54 UTC
Haven't read yet, but am v. amused by blacked out warning. :D

Edit: walking-stick brandishing FTW. Also, City and John as geriatric delinquents, yes.


mific August 8 2009, 05:13:44 UTC
Yeah, blacked-out warnings are a real head-fuck. I always have to read them, so I thought I'd do a silly one. Thanks for the feedback!


doradoradora August 7 2009, 19:00:26 UTC
Aww. This filled me with the warm fuzzies.


mific August 8 2009, 05:14:16 UTC
Fluffy old codgers! THanks.


mirabile_dictu August 7 2009, 19:13:58 UTC
Hee! I love imagining them as old, old men, still together, arguing blissfully. Thank you!


mific August 8 2009, 05:15:25 UTC
They'd be such a handful - probably drive everyone crazy! Thanks.


angw August 8 2009, 02:31:11 UTC
A heart warming vision of the future. *snort* The Rodmobile and the infamous "rescue" of the Athosian children.


mific August 8 2009, 05:16:48 UTC
And you know John'd be stealing the Rodmobile and doing wheelies down the corridors. Bet he's pissed the turbo-charger got confiscated! Thanks.


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mific August 8 2009, 05:17:51 UTC
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, oldfic of them is kind of bitter-sweet.


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