Supplemental Education by liketheriver (kidfic challenge)

Oct 10, 2008 01:13

Title: Supplemental Education
Category: gen humor team 
Word Count: ~3,000
Rating: T
Characters: Pretty much everyone.
Spoilers: None really
A/N: Because evidently I had a potty mouth from a very young age and my own children apparently inherited that from me.  Thanks as always to Koschka for the beta. Also, this is set about six to eight months in ( Read more... )

author: liketheriver, challenge: kidfic

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Comments 108

elementalv October 10 2008, 08:56:44 UTC
Poor Teyla. I sympathize, but I really have to agree with the guys on this one.



liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:15:59 UTC
Given the people inhabiting Atlantis and the men Torren is around, I can't imagine him *not* having a bit of potty mouth. *G* Thanks so much!


silver_galaxy October 10 2008, 10:13:35 UTC
Very funny :)

And I love Teyla's dilemma, great sex or having a son who can swear before he can form a sentence!


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:17:10 UTC
Thanks! As sad as it is, that is often the dilema faced by new mothers desperate for a little adult time. *G*


danceswithgary October 10 2008, 11:21:32 UTC
Too funny! *wipes tears from eyes*


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:17:32 UTC
So glad you enjoyed it. Thanks!


docfred October 10 2008, 12:32:08 UTC
That was F***king hilarious. Poor Teyla but what else would you expect with leaving Torren with the 3 boys. I like how McKay sees it as an affinity for languages.


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:18:32 UTC
Having been faced with this situation myself, you really do have to find a way to spin it to your advantage. My kid is a genius! Look how quickly he learns new words! *G* Thanks so much!


gracesullivan October 10 2008, 12:49:41 UTC
This was hilarious!

I still remember the look on my cousin's face when her 18 month old said 'F you!' to one of his brothers. Appropriately, too, as his older brother was being a bit of a pain.


liketheriverrun October 10 2008, 16:20:17 UTC
Thanks! My 3 year old grumbled 'fucking baby' one day when I told him he needed to be quiet so his baby sister could sleep. When I told my husband, he just snickered. So, this fic comes from my own personal experiences. *G*


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