Start With Cake by Veredus (Cake or Death Challenge)

Aug 08, 2007 18:12

Title: Start With Cake
Author: Veredus
Rating: PG, slash
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Spoilers: none that I can think of
Category: humor
Word Count: Um, 3,557
Warnings: None
Summary: There were only two things that Rodney was good at: work and eating. People skills were not on that list, to the non-surprise of all who knew him.
AN: Thanks to lynnmonster for the ( Read more... )

challenge: cake or death, author: veredus

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Comments 26

adafrog August 9 2007, 02:27:14 UTC sweet with Rodney and John. And I love Rodney really just not having a clue, but knowing he should. lol


veredus August 9 2007, 03:10:44 UTC
Thank you! I'm very happy that you enjoyed it.

And Rodney wouldn't be Rodney if he wasn't somewhat clueless about his feelings.

Thankfully, cake will lead the way.


ceitie August 9 2007, 05:31:31 UTC
Awesome Rodney POV here, the way that he honestly doesn't get why the kitchen staff have put him on a food embargo until John hits him with a clue-by-four. Also, Miko's being all sneaky and having fake closet sex with Rodney was utterly hilarious. :D


veredus August 9 2007, 14:08:53 UTC
Thank you! I have a habit of rambling in real life and in writing, but it seemed to suit Rodney as a character so I tried to go with it.

Miko's part was one of my favorite bits. I wish we got to see more of her in SGA.


dirty_smudge August 9 2007, 15:07:37 UTC
Atlantis' doors wouldn't let anyone else lean on them

I loved that bit. And why didn't Miko trade her food for real sex? Rodney was probably that desperate.


veredus August 9 2007, 15:21:07 UTC
Atlantis/Sheppard is a favorite OTP of mine.

And why didn't Miko trade her food for real sex?

Miko deserves more than just a few moments in a supply closet. She deserves scented oils, velvet pillows and a whole harem to attend to her needs. *g*


dirty_smudge August 9 2007, 15:30:24 UTC
That is the truth.
I will write a Miko/harem fic. Maybe.


veredus August 9 2007, 16:44:28 UTC
I will write a Miko/harem fic. Maybe.

Do! *throws sparkly harem boys at you*


cupidsbow August 9 2007, 19:06:31 UTC
That's lovely! Thank you.


veredus August 9 2007, 19:19:01 UTC
You're welcome! Thank you for reading and commenting.


goddess47 August 11 2007, 15:24:38 UTC
So glad Rodney figures it out in the end.... cake and frosting *and* John.... yum.....


veredus August 13 2007, 20:45:36 UTC
Rodney's not a genius for nothing! And yes, cake and frosting and John just seems to go so well together, doncha think?


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