Title: Remember Paul Van Riper Pairing: McKay/Brown, McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 7700 Challenge: Sickness Summary: There's more than one battlefield on which to play a war game.
Thanks! The way I see it, they're living in a floating, flying Ancient city. What's not fun about that? I dig fic that reflects the general omgwtfery of it all. :)
Thanks, glad you liked it. Zelenka was one of my favorite bits to write.
And in case you were still curious, Paul Van Riper was a military general who took part in this huge, expensive American wargame. He was essentially set up to lose, and then surprised everyone (and totally screwed everything up) when he won. I imagine it was quite the scandal at the time.
Thank you so much! I was trying to challenge myself here to write believable characterizations that didn't automatically call for a suspension of disbelief, so I am thrilled that they worked for you. :)
Comments 102
This was a lot of fun.
And in case you were still curious, Paul Van Riper was a military general who took part in this huge, expensive American wargame. He was essentially set up to lose, and then surprised everyone (and totally screwed everything up) when he won. I imagine it was quite the scandal at the time.
Anyway, thanks for reading!
(And now I go back to pounding out a novel for deadline.)
Good luck with the deadline!
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