Things to Do In Denver When You're Dead by Speranza

Mar 21, 2006 01:30

Title: Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead (74k)
Author: Speranza
Pairing: McShep
Summary: The symphony. Football. Shopping. But not Mexican food.

Wherein I continue to not understand the "flashfiction" concept. Thanks to shalott, resonant, and Terri for beta!

challenge: left behind, author: speranza

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Comments 209

renenet March 21 2006, 06:55:40 UTC
Wherein I continue to not understand the "flashfiction" concept.

Something you clearly understand about the "flashfiction" concept is where it ranks among your priorities given, well, other priorities. Thank God.

There has got to be no better way on the planet to top an evening of omg so much fannish multi-tasking than with a brand new fic from you! Sleep is for normal people, right? Right then. Here I go. To Denver.


renenet March 21 2006, 07:53:38 UTC
Oh, man, I am so delighted. That was [okay, this sentence was scheduled to end with "delightful," until, casting around for a replacement term, I conceived of "kickass-tastic," whereupon I determined to abandon the sentence entirely in shame.]

But they are *joy*. Thank you so, so much!


lilac_way March 21 2006, 07:13:37 UTC
He puts on the Boston Eagles t-shirt John bought him, and then frowns, goes to his laptop, and googles "Gerry Phelan number 20." He feels a lump rise in his throat at the first link that comes up: "Forever And Ever, The Pass: Flutie to Phelan still a miracle 15 years later," and when he clicks on the article, there's a picture with a caption: "Gerard Phelan, the kid who caught the most famous hail-mary in college football."

Excuse me while I bawl. This whole piece was lovely. Please continue to misunderstand the concept of "flashfiction" as often as possible.


rokeon March 21 2006, 07:14:48 UTC
Whatever value of "flashfiction" you're using, I love it. This... I want to paste 37 separate, numbered favorite quotes, but most especially number 18 because it's John. And I would say more, but I've already stayed up far too late reading and I have a test in the morning but I don't care, because this? Would be worth retaking the entire class as a summer course.


ivadel March 21 2006, 07:17:07 UTC
May you never, ever, ever understand the concept of "flashfiction."

Thank you for sharing.


zortified March 21 2006, 07:22:44 UTC
Clearly the next challenge should be "500 words or less". ;-)


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