Let's Get Healthy Check-In

Feb 03, 2024 21:44

Another late check-in ( Read more... )

lets get healthy: check in

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Comments 3

cmk418 February 4 2024, 03:18:24 UTC
I have either completely plateaued or my scale is broken. Same weight as the previous two weigh-ins. At least it hasn't gone up. I'm going to be working to up my exercise this week. I have been doing better with it- going out to walk in the evenings since it's been reasonably warm lately and I've been able to do weight training for the past few weeks which is good.

I may need to establish an earlier cut off time for my evening snacks- I'd say cut them out entirely, but I know myself to know it isn't going to work. Hopping on the exercise bike in the evening might be a step forward as well.

Time management can be very difficult. It's something that I think about every morning before work when I'm scrambling out of the shower to grab 15 minutes (on a good day!) to eat breakfast and then head out to the office. Getting up early might help, but then that calls into the "am I getting enough sleep?" question. It's a challenge for sure. (Maybe we can pencil that in for next year's check-ins)


liminal_space February 4 2024, 03:22:12 UTC

a loss is a loss!


asphaltcowgrrl February 5 2024, 19:48:45 UTC
Hopefully you can figure out a routine that works for you. I'm struggling to do the same myself. Getting up earlier is rough since I'm already up at 5 AM. Staying up later is rough, too, because I'm up so early. Blah! But hey, I lost .4 lbs. LOL

You're doing great though. Staying active and moving is good enough until you get your new routine figured out.


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